I heard the Thule EuroClick is a good choice for that. It looks like it's hitch-mounted, but it's not. It uses some other mounting mechanism that is similar though. Not sure where you can buy it though. Also, YouTube video of it in action...on a third gen Prius! [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izx_uGrz-8k"]YouTube - Toyota Prius III fietsendrager / bike carrier Thule EuroClick[/ame]
The Euroclick is available only in Europe. Basically it is illegal to have a towing hitch on a Prius in many of the EU countries, so Thule developed a non-standard hitch (which cannot be used for towing) and rack to go with it. Which is why this is available only in Europe. The price for the Prius model is 600 Euros-- That's almost $900 in U.S. dollars! http://thuleeuroclick.com/files/en/EuroClick Kits.pdf NO THANKS! Here in the U.S., you can get the exact same functionality by installing a Curt hitch and a hitch-mounted rack of your choice, for MUCH cheaper. I got my Curt installed for $160 at a U-Haul, and my el-cheapo hitch-mounted rack brings the total to $260.
Just installed a Curt receiver hitch on 2010 Prius. My brother and I did it together after reading blogs. We used ramps and had a full complement of my tools including a torque wrench etc. The hitch itself was perfect as far as fit and finish. Everything was straight forward except that the heat shield for the muffler had to be cut back a bit with tin snips to allow the hitch to be installed in its proper location. Had it not been for that minor problem, this would have been a 30 minute job, but because of this issue it took us 1 1/2 hours.
I'm gonna be ordering one of the Curt 1 1/4" hitches soon. The next step will be to order an actual rack, but I'm not sure which to get. I was looking at what Thule has to offer, since they seem to have a good reputation. Does anyone have any specific model recommendations for a hitch-mounted rack to hold 2 bikes? I'm no professional and have never owned a bike rack before, so I don't have super high standards, but I also don't want a piece of junk and don't mind spending a few extra bucks for a quality product. I saw the "Helium" model, but I was hoping to not spend $300+ on the rack alone. Is that model worth the $$? Which is better? Having one of the racks that mount the bikes by the wheels, or the kind that the bikes sort of "hang" on? Sorry if these are nooby questions, but I'm a noob when it comes to this.
i have the curt hitch and i had to bend the heat sheild to get it to fit. i went with the Saris "Thelma 2" bike rack for 1-1/4" receiver. https://www.saris.com/p-298-thelma-2-bike.aspx
I have ordered the Curt hitch and am planning to install it myself! But I don't have a torque wrench. See any problem installing it without a torque wrench? I also have looked at different makes and models bike racks. I think I will go with the Thule T2 since it does not contact the frame of my bikes. My second choice would be the thule doubletrack. I like the Saris Thelma 2 also, but not very sure about the durability and how long it will last! And I have read that the straps are too hard and can scratch your rims. Can someone share their experience with the Saris Thelma?
Anyone know a specific model number of an affordable bike rack for the 2010 Prius? I don't want a hitch style
Why would anyone put that large lettering on the side of their car?? It appears to me that the car is a Prius. I certainly didn't think it was a Studebaker!
I actually want to fit a hitch to tow a 6x4 trailer can I do this & if so when can I get one & what is the best type and easy to fit . tks
Finally! I borrowed a torque wrench from a friend's friend's friend's ... but I did not use it! 60 ft lb according to the manual is not very realistic. When I remove the original screws from the frame, I felt like I had to use my body weight to losen the original screws. With the torque wrench, I feel like the screws will come off the minute I drive the Prius out of my driveway. Since we will not be checking the screws regularly, I installed the hitch with a lot more force on the screws. If the hitch fell down because of the over loaded screws, I will let you know . For my bike rack, I decided on the T2. It is big, heavy ... but I think it looks good and will last forever. The hitch is sturdy. The rack on the hitch and bike on the rack really are solid stable, a definite peace of mind! Yakima ... tried it inside REI ... the bike is loose on the rack. Saris ... saw a demo rack outside a LBS that has fallen apart. All at the same price range, T2 is it! One hidden fact though! Using the T2 is not only the cost of the rack! You also need to get locks for the rack and the hitch that will cost extra. Thats about $80. Yakima and Saris have the locks come with the racks.
Ok, you don't want to mount a rock on your car. There are also other bike racks that you can use like rooftop bike racks, trailer hitch bike racks, tray bike racks, pickup truck bike racks, vertical hanging bike racks, and more. You can use anyone that you like.