I've looked through the owner's manual, googled, and searched the forums, and I can't find any reference to the blue light flashing under the left side of the dashboard, under the display dimmer switch. What is it for, and more importantly, how do I turn it off??!! Today was the first time I drove at night, and the blinking blue light is ridiculously bright and distracting at night. I've noticed it during the day but it's possible to ignore it then. I didn't get any port or dealer installed options, so I'm curious about what it's for and why I can't find any mention of it in the manual. I originally thought it was an engine immobilizer light, but the manual says that's an icon on the main display, not a light under the dash. It's on and flashing ALL the time, while driving and when parked. Help?
Laurie, call me tomorrow after 9am! I have the antidote for this. It is dealer installed. And, I'll make sure you have what you need to eliminate it shortly. I'm sorry - I had no idea!
I don't have any such flashing light under the display dimmer switch (or anywhere in that area) in mine.
Hmmm...I didn't pay for anything to be installed, so now I'm really curious about what my freebie is. LOL I'll call sometime today. Thanks, Dianne.
Many dealers install tracking devices on cars while they're in inventory (so they can be found if stolen), and remove them before being sold (and put it on another car in inventory). Sounds like the dealer forgot to remove it.
I was thinking the same thing. A Ford dealer in this area used to install a starter-kill in every car, and sold it as a $300-600 accessory. You ended up with a "key" that you'd plug into it to complete the circuit and allow the starter to get current. If you declined to buy it, they'd just punt a shunt in it and off you'd go.
If there are doughnut crumbs on the floor under the light I would search my car for little policemen about three inches tall.
A lot of the shadier used car lots around here sell cars with tracking systems installed, makes re-possession a lot easier. Wouldn't doubt that it may not be completely legal.
Oh stop. Laurie's a wonderfully respectable buyer... and a nice lady! We are in a very good neighborhood which tends to attract auto thieves and midnight auto "shoppers" so we have a motion sensor alarm that will enable us with the right device to both open any car on the lot AND provide an alarm to stop would-be thieves from trying to get in. It's that simple. I can cap it off easily, but we missed it somehow when it was loaded to the transporter. Many SoCal stores have advance anti-theft items in their cars.
Does a tracking device that flashes a blue light and says "Here I am! Disconnect me!" really sound that promising?