There is another thread going on around here on what is right with GM. I just stubbled across this site today: Basically buy or lease a Jaguar and Ford will donate up to $1000 to GLAAD. What ever your stance is, you have to admit that Ford is just begging for trouble. Why couldn't they donate this money to something that most people would agree with instead of such a devisive issue? Like old ladies or kids? I mean, if your stock is down and your cars aren't selling, instead of giving money away to orphans of wars or wives of dead soldiers you come up with this ingenious scheme? "How about a 'Jags for Fags' campaign! Granted, only 10% of the population is gay and only 2% of those 10% would be interested in a Jag instead of a Beetle or Mini, but we might be able to sell 25 cars... let's run with it!" This is what is wrong with Ford. Not that they support gay rights but that they would financially support an an issue that HAS to cost them more sales than it makes them!
Microsoft finds themselves in a similar situation, supporting gay rights may get you boycotted by a a few religious fanatics but perhaps a gay/lesbian or progressive minded individual may be more inclined to buy a Ford because of their support. How else are you going to get a progressive to buy a gas guzzling SUV? In my opinion the problem with Ford is that they haven't made a hybrid which can compete with the Prius. :?
Well, think about it... 85% of Americans say that they believe in some kind of God. Perhaps 10% of Americans are gay. Why target the bullseye instead of anywhere on the target? That's being clueless.
The National Rifle Association makes up an even smaller percent of the population and recieves donations from corporations as well. Different corporations donate to different causes, there's nothing wrong with that. As for its relation with God, I believe in God and see nothing wrong with donations to GLAAD. Having said that, if Ford made a car that gets 60 mpg I might be interested.