Hello everyone, I'm new here, new to Toyota Prius, and new to everything basically.... I just bought my first Toyota 2010 Prius IV solor roof, blue ribbon, last Saturday, and the dealer also highly recommended me to get Toyota extended warrenty. So I spend $3100 to extended my Prius warrenty from standard 3 years to 8 year (or 100,000 miles). Of course when I got home and do some research, I think I pay too much for this warrenty.... stupid me!! Fortunately I think I can cancel the warrenty anytime within 60 days, so I am gonna try that and I'll keep you guys update. But here is my question, is the Warrenty worthy? I've asked around my friends, they said Toyota is very reliable and the car can usually drive a long time without problem (if the ownner didn't skip on maintenance). For those experienced Prius ownner, is it true? cause it sounds like most of Prius ownner won't need to use any service from this warrenty. And for those who already have the warrenty like me, does Toyota truely honor their promose on the warrenty, like $0 deductible, free tow to nearest Toyota service site, free rental cars & free hotel staying until your car is fixed, ect. If you'd like to share any tips on Toyota warrenty, feel free to let everyone know too!! Thank you!!
yuving: Definitely cancel that $3100 ext warranty. That is a huge rip-off I have ever heard off! The same warranty can be had for around $1000 on warrantyshack.com (same Toyota warranty). Owning a Ext Warranty is a personal financial decision. Much like medical insurance, auto insurance, etc. Some are more risk taking, others are more conservative (budgeting-oriented). It is your choice. Statistically, you lose money on Ext Warranty. The same for other insurances as well (that is how insurance comanies make money - statistically they win.). For $1000 it is a good trade-off to make. For $3100, it is a no-brainer. Cancel it!
Ceric, haha, yes!! it is a rip-off!! that's the price a noob (like me) would pay. At that day of buying the new Prius, I was signing a lot of paper work, dealers throw a lot of info to me, ect. Everything is overwhelming in my head!! He even said the Platinum warranty can only be purchased on the same day when I purchased the car! I guess this is not true either. How ignorant I am.... LOL Anyway, for those who had used Toyota warrenty, how do you guys feel about their service?
He lied. You have 30 days to cancle with no penalty. Cancel it and get from here on forum at warranty shack for $1055 and it is a full Toyota warranty.
There are several other threads on what our opinions are on the warranty - it's an emotional decision for certain, but at any rate, you can do far better on pricing from WarrrantyShack.com (a PC sponsor) than from your dealer at that pricing. For the other responders - the $1055 is for the 7y/100k mile warranty. 8 years may be slightly higher in price.
Re: Your experience with Toyota Warranty? Do you have the warranty paperwork ? Read it to know exactly how to cancel, and do it right away. You have up to three years to buy an extended warranty from Toyota, so take your time and think about it. Commonly, people who buy warranties will tell you it is OK to buy one, and people like me will tell you to think twice I think most of us can agree that: If you do not have $3 - $5k in cash to pay for the very rare but possible repair, buy the warranty. If you are fairly sure that you will sell the car to a private party before the warranty is up, consider buying it.
Dealer told me the same thing about having to buy the warranty on the day of purchase. I bought from Santa Monica Toyota. I canceled and saved over 2k through Troy here on PC. I feel it is quite despicable to take advantage of a customer like they did. I just dropped over 30k on a new car and they overcharge me by the thousands for a warranty/maintenance plan. Needless to say they will not see my business again.
OMG I bought my car from the same dealer - Santa Monica Toyota too!! They claim they have the most Prius sale in the nation!! While they do got a lot of choice for Prius, I dont respect how they take advantage of the situation.... I was first-time car buyer. I'm gonna give them a call and cancel the warrenty. Thanks for all the advices guys!!
Run, don't walk to that dealer and cancel that warranty. That is a ripoff beyond any I've ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you realize that you spent over 10% of the vehicle cost for a warranty you may never end up using? My car is six years old (well it will be November 3rd). I have the extended 7 yr/100k warranty and I've never made a claim yet. The way things are going, I don't think I'll ever get any money out of that warranty. One thing is certain. For a thousand bucks it was worth the POM.
OK, I'm a little embarrassed admitting this, because I'm always the one that scoffs at extended warranties in most situations, but being a new Prius owner, this site is so great, and I'd like y'alls opinion. I bought a Prius II, and managed to get both the Texas and Federal CFC rebates, and saved a total of $8,050 on my car purchase. Seeing as I wasn't expecting to get the $3,500 from the state because of an issue with the title of my car being in my mom's name, I was in a bit of a daze through the whole process, after I was told last minute that there was a way they could make it work. Make it work they did, but the daze I was in led me to go with a rather hefty amount of extended warranties/service plans. To the tune of $4,000 to be exact! :redface: What that $4,000 bought me is: free oil changes etc for 6/90,000 ($1,395) free optional scheduled maintenance: 15 thou, 30 thou, and on up to 90 thou check ups ($600) extended platinum warranty 7/100,000 ($1,795) 5 year tire warranty ($200) 3 year window crack warranty [not window replacements, just crack fill ins] (thrown in for free!! ) Seeing as I way basically playing with the government's money, I figured I go with the works now, so that I won't be required to pay anything on this car for about 7 years. But with a couple days to reflect on things, my 'informed consumer' nature is kicking in, and I'm starting to kick myself for paying $4,000 up from for this stuff. What do y'all think? Be gentle.
I bought the same warranty from my dealer for $2500 with the "assurance" that if the warranty isn't used within the warranty period (7yrs/100,00mi) that my entire $2,500 would be refunded. Anybody else get this offer?
I bought the same warranty from my dealer for $2,500 and was told that if I didn't use any portion of it during the warranty period (7yrs/100,00mi) that the entire $2,500 would be refunded. Anybody else get an offer like this?
Did you get that in writing? And what does "didn't use any portion" refer to? If you need a new cup holder lid at 85k miles, does that mean you wont get a refund?
I do have a "Buy Back Agreement" and the company is called Sterling Advantage. The warranty is fully Toyotas but the refund comes through this company. If I have any repairs during the warranty period I can opt to pay out of pocket (ie. the cup holder lid) and not use the warranty or if it is something big (anything over $2500) go ahead and tap into the warranty which would then erase my refund.
With that business model I would be worried that the company would no longer be in business when I needed the warranty or the refund.
V2supply, have you been paying attention to the connection between derivatives and the current economic crisis ? They suckered you into it. Again.
Whether it was a good deal or not, I called and cancelled it early this morning. Buying a Toyota will be my extended warranty! Thanks for the comments.
Did you call your dealership, or did you call the Toyota number? I'm wonder what I should do when I cancel mine in a few days. Go down to the dealership, or do it over the phone.