There is a clause in my IV Solar order that says I am responsible for any mid year price increases, and today it happened. The solar package just went from $3800 to $4280. Buzz
Yes, and you will be one of the first to get the Factory Installed USB port added, and Safety Connect. They are standard in Iv and V model Prius from this point onwards (those built now an onwards, not the remaining stock without them). The rest of us can add the USB port if we have the NAV system, for around $220 if I recall correctly.
Ouch, where do we find a list of the new prices? The Toyota website is still showing the old prices, including $1800 for NAV (at least in my area).
Yes, the NAV package was $1800 for me (on a Prius V), and I think that was the cost for all NAV packages. As for the increase of 680, I am a little surprised, but I know that somewhere on here I read that the Safety Connect should add about 380 and another 200 or so for the USB, so maybe those early prices were not yet finalized, and this is the way that they are now?
I am not sure if $1800 was the correct old number (65 year old memory bank). The new prices are on Edmund's and USAA car buyers program - probably up on KBB by now as well.
$1800 is the correct old number. Just looked up and the Advanced Tech package is now $5,180, up from $4,500.
Add.. When looking at Edmund's site, I see that NAV is $2,480 now, but the only thing that is different is the addition of Safety Connect... "one year trial subscription to Safety Connect with automatic collision notification, stolen vehicle location, emergency assistance button (SOS) and roadside assistance." And yet, there is no mention of the USB? What gives?? Based on this alone, it would seem that the NAV pricing has gone up over $600 just to add "Safety Connect"? That seems a bit steep.
The USB port will allow you to connect to it a USB device, to stream music into the stereo system, on vehicles which have it installed. You could use a USB Key, an MP3 Player, or an iPod as the source through this connection.
I still think Toyota has done this to curb demand for the Solar Package, which it seems they are having trouble meeting demand. It just doesn't make sense. It may be "only" an additional $680.00 but from a consumer psychology standpoint $3,800 seems so much less than once you've broken the $4000 dollar barrier. I liked the idea I was paying less than $4,000, now I feel like I'm approaching 5 grand for a Solar Sunroof. Oh well, "What if we could use the power of the sun, to empty your wallet?"
All packages will get either USB ($230 increase) or USB + Safety Connect ($680 = $230 + $450 increase) starting with August production. See code details here. Doug Coleman Prius Product Manager Toyota Motor Sales, USA
I hear your frustration, but since the NAV only package also jumped from 1800 to 2480 (without solar) then the solar is only a difference of $1,800 more. Is that the same differential as before (between nav and solar)?
I've always liked Toyota but their add ons have always been outragously overpriced comapred to other auto makers. I like how Honda does it, three trim lines and you know what your getting for the price.
glad i got my car already! though i would have gotten it even with the price increase. i did get my dealer to add the USB manually though
We have not added this equipment to reduce Solar Roof demand. USB and Safety Connect have been planned for nearly a year, far before we knew demand on Solar Roof. There is not enough supply of Solar Roof simply because we misforecasted demand. That's funny! And I mean that in the I-really-laughed-out-loud-in-the-office kind of funny. It's not funny that you think we are ripping you off. Duly noted. Doug Coleman Prius Product Manager Toyota Motor Sales, USA