So I just got back from the dealer because my check engine light was on. They found code PO420 and recommended a replacement of the catalytic convertor. It seems many on here have had problems with this for Gen. 1, but not Gen 2 Prius, so I wanted to let you all know and see if a new cat is the way to go. I didn't see any similar issues on my PC searches. BTW, cost estimate was $2119! Luckily for me, Steve over at autobeyours is only 30 minutes away and he's taking care of me in the morning.
Huh. Where did you typically buy gas? Did you ever use any kind of fuel additive/gas treatment/injector cleaner/mothballs etc.?
Isn't the cat covered on the emissions warrantee? (100k I think. A failure at 107 and I would be on my dealer to cover it,, probably to no avail). Icarus
Nope, no weird gas or additives. Normal Circle K or Thornton's gas. Dealer was no help, either (other than the estimate). I had it repaired today, and Steve didn't think it was anything unusual. I still think it was pretty early for one to go, but who knows? Thanks for the replies, guys.
Emission warranty on PZEV: Fed: 8yr/80K CA/NY (and states adopting CA emission rules): 15yr/150K Well, I think you are out of luck in term of warranty. Please research Indiana's emission rules at state level. I don't think Indiana adopts CA rules. A new CAT at 107K is not unheard of. You may have a heavier foot than others, or you may simply have a worse CAT that others. Too many factors. STP Gas Treatment is simply jet fuel. It does not hurt CAT in any way. I have used it in all my previos vehicles for 7-8 years of ownership. No failed CAT yet.
Really? 'Cos jet fuel is nearly Diesel fuel. Good luck putting that in a gasoline engine :_> I see that STP does call the carrier of their additives "Jet fuel"...
From what I recall it is primarily kerosene, not diesel. Diesel is a heavier cut. 107K seems early to me, mainly because I've never had a cat go with less than 150K (and that was an old K-car with massive blow-by.) I would be looking for an assignable cause. Who killed the cat?
Nothing seemed out of whack, according to Steve. I'm the second owner, too, so no telling how it was driven before I bought it. Thanks for the replies, though! I appreciate the info!