Saw a thread mentioning Clear Armor in Mountain View, CA as reputable installer of 3M protective film. I was wondering if there were any shops in the San Francisco major or peninsula region that are (1) cheaper than the dealer, but (2) do reputable work. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance?
LOL 3M Body Armor in San Francisco/Pen? I read the header and for a minute thought California prison guards had some new equipment.
You might want to go here Invisible Patterns and find a dealer in your area. Ilike venture shield better then 3M film although 3M boughtout venture shield they are 2differant films.
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and just installed Ventureshield Clear Coat film on my 2010 Prius V. You would have to look closely to see the film. I opted for full hood and fender protection in addition to the rear bumper. Price was reasonable for the amount of coverage. I used a company call Transparent Bra (PM if you need contact information). They did my 2005 Prius when I purchased it 5 years ago and I was so satisfied with the work that I called them immediately after buying the 2010. They offer a lifetime warranty and will be replacing the previous generation film on the 2005 with the new clear coat film at no charge. They can do the work in their shop or at your home.
Thanks so much for the suggestion, I will for sure check them out. I tried to PM you for their contact info, but I'm stupid and couldn't get it to work. Could you post your info? Thanks again for the tip!
I paid $1125 for the protection package. This included a $75 discount for submitting a Yelp review. This is the breakdown: The basic protection package costs $550 and includes full front bumper, headlights, foglights, mirrors, front and rear door edges, and partial hood coverage. Add $300 for full hood coverage. Full front fender coverage is another $200. Add $150 for rear bumper. I didn't think to do the taillights. Here's the contact information. Website: Phone: 877-843-2720 Email: [email protected] Tell Juan that Dave H. referred you.
Went to their website and asked for a quote, told them that Dave H. referred me, I'll let you know when I have it done, sounds really good
Just spoke with Juan. His email is not working so the best way to contact him is via phone: 877-843-2720. Best, Dewnay