I have had my 05 prius for just over a month now, and noticed a week ago that the rear windshield has hazy white splotches all over it, leading me to think that the factory applied tint is defective or something, unless this is normal?? The splotches are easily seen from the exterior at most angles. Cleaning the glass in and out did nothing. Wonder if anyone else has seen/heard of this before?
I haven't looked for it but other posters have commented that they see these when the sun is out. They described 'em as cotton balls. I think I remember others saying it was just a fact of life. But, check out the thread. Search for defective rear window or distorted rear window.
Well, I wear prescription glasses since I'm nearsighted. If I clip on the polarized shades, those "splotches" you describe are *very* noticeable. With the polarized lenses off, nothing. I've noticed the same thing on many other newer cars and trucks, must have something to do with the glass manufacturing process, maybe the temper process.
someone said it was part of the process to make it low E glass, but I've seen low E on buildings and it's circle free. So for what it's worth.
Hmmm. When I'm outside with my polarized clip-ons over my glasses, I can always spot which office buildings, condos, and homes have Low E coatings on their windows. The windows have either a regular splotchy pattern like the Prius, or a regular grate effect. Heat Mirror windows also have a very noticeable pattern. Take the polarized lenses off, it goes away. First time I noticed that I thought the stress of work and daily life had finally caught up to me ...
well I don't use polarizing glasses so I guess I've missed the low E on buildings. So one was walking by the Prius one day and said "what's on the windows?" and I said what do you see and he said circles I said lets see your sunglasses and I tried them and sure enough they were there.
I happen to sell windows and doors and am quite familiar with Cardinal LowE and SolarBan60, and have never seen the splotchy circles that I am seeing on the rear window of my Prius. Our customers are very particular about their windows, and having been in the business for 10 years, we would have come across this long ago if it was a LowE issue. I have not heard of LowE being applied to single glazed window units. It is used in dual glazed units on the #2 or #3 surface, or between a laminated glass unit. I would bet that the splotches you are seeing on buildings with sunglasses on are due to an applied tint rather than LowE, as many commercial buildings have single glazed windows units in them, but even so, I am not a glass expert and so am only reasoning here based on my own experience. The splotches on my Prius are visible in the shade without polarized clipons. I walked by a 04-05 Prius today and did not see this effect. I am glad at least for now that it sounds like this might be common, and not just on my car.
I had a 2000 Toyota Tundra and it had the same circles. I haven't noticed them on my 2k3 Prius. The Tundra was low E for sure as I had bought a new automatic welding helmet and was sitting in the truck waiting for the shop to open and held it up and it didn't switch so opened the window and it switched. Then Looked at the writing on the window and there's a circle with an E in it. Checked the manual and it said LowE glass. I just checked the 2k2 Prius brochure and it say's that the 2k2 had it as well so I'd guess the 2k3 does also.
This is common in many cars. Put on a pair of polarized sunglasses and you'll see the white balls often.
I have never seen any obvious patterns or blotches on older buildings. I find it somewhat odd that commercial buildings less than 5 years old appear to have the blotches or streaks. Almost all of the newer commercial buildings around here do have tinting, usually a silver or bronze, applied. It may very well be the tinting process. I have seen the splotches or weird patterns on a lot of newer cars and trucks, not just Toyota. I honestly thought work had finally caught up to me. Remember that movie from the mid 80's where the guy is given a "special" pair of shades that allows him to see the aliens living among us? He could also see the subliminal messages, like "consume" and "procreate" on alien electronic billboards. It does make you wonder. Maybe I should get rid of the polarized clipons.
Frank: Try them and I bet you'll always use them. After my dad had cataracts removed last year from both eyes, he became very sensitive to outdoor sun and indoor fluorescent lighting. That's a common complaint after cataract surgery. I got him a pair of North Face Summit polarized sunglasses and about the only time he takes them off is when snoozing or in their house away from sun and fluorescent lighting. He really swears by them. If you have to drive after a snowstorm and the sun is nice and bright, you'll never do without polarized sunglasses ever again. Or if you're on water they make a big difference too. At the very least, you'll quickly realize how much eyestrain you were experiencing. You'll feel a bit more relaxed when driving or outdoors. Jay
Frank: That's my next investment at the hobby farm. I was raised using the "traditional" flip-up helmet, but that flip-up and flip-down really gets old after awhile. Jay
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jayman\";p=\"95727)</div> Frank: That's my next investment at the hobby farm. I was raised using the "traditional" flip-up helmet, but that flip-up and flip-down really gets old after awhile. Jay [/b][/quote] be advised that they have a life span. I'm on my third one now. Current is a Hobart after a pair of Optrel's and if you store it in a cabinet you can expect short life. They batterys used in them charge off a solar cell on the front and they slowly self dischage if not topped with the solar cell. I killed the Optrel's doing that. 3rd year on the Hobart now. Problem is once you use one you will NEVER go back to the priustoric oppps prehistoric kind. And no sore neck on a big job.
Frank: I didn't know that the autodark helmet has a lifespan to it. Makes sense though. Maybe I'll stick with the traditional helmet. I only tinker with the welder at the hobby farm, maybe use it once every other month or so. Not like I do it for a living, just to fix things I manage to break. When I first bought the hobby farm, I spent a week tinkering together metal cabinets and tables to work on. The flip-up and flip-down got old, but I try to be patient. For the same reason I'll stay with the basic Lincoln commercial stick welder that I picked up at a city auction. I thought of MIG/TIG but why would I want to monkey with wirefeed for as often as I have to weld anything? Jay
Jay you can buy a cartridge for the normal helmets from Princess and just insert it in the opening. What I really like about the others is that they weigh next to nothing compared to the old fiberglass helmets. I do stick and mig with a fair amount of gouging and I like the Hobart as it's adjustable from 9-14 shade. Use 9 for most mig and stick as long as it's below about 95 amps, crank it to 14 for gouging as the machine we have goes to 380 amps and things get pretty bright. I've never had a flash since using an auto. Also my old eyes have forced me to use a 1.5 diopter magnifier inside lens. Lets me stay about 1 1/2 to 2 feet from the cup, stick, carbon which ever. Very handy.
Frank: I also didn't know they had just the autodark inserts. Princess Auto has two warehouses here in Winnipeg, I think they're based here too. The larger one is near Nairn and Lagimodiere. I'll swing by the larger Princess Auto and see what they have. Don't need anything too fancy, I never do gouging. Last time I even used the welder was last fall. Thanks. Jay
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jayman\";p=\"95827)</div> I can actually remember when you could buy tanks and field guns from them! how's that for showing my age?
Frank: Princess Auto had a selection of inserts priced from $80 and up. What I should do is take the helmet from the hobby farm and make sure the insert fits properly. Or just keep using the lens I currently have. Yeah a 50 cal would make no-mind drivers a lot easier to handle. Actually, PA still has a lot of military surplus stuff. They had a couple of gennies, a huge assortment of military tires for trailers, canteens, fatigues, etc. Jay
don't ask me about the air cannon at work. 4" ice bullets. About 80fps slower than the firearm classification. Range approx. 200 yards. 125 PSI of air. Muzzle energy about what a 30-30 puts out. Offered to shoot a hole thru the owners Volvo door just before he turned in the lease, offered to pay the deductable on his insurance, and he declined, so we asked if he'd just park in out back of the shop and go for a weekend vacation. He declined. Now that we have completely hijacked this thread I guess we should move on!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Frank Hudon\";p=\"96236)</div> Frank: Two, please! Can it be shipped Motor Freight?? Jay