With the weather today, tornados in Minneapolis & western WI, did any of our PC'rs suffer any damage? Living in the extreme southwestern corner of the TC area, we had about an inch and a half of rain (badly needed), but thankfuly no damage. Watching the news however it seems there was some significant damage done in the "cities", here's hoping everyone is well and didn't get any damage.
Thanks for asking - It was quite an exciting afternoon to say the least. I work just south of downtown Minneapolis where a tornado apparently touched down. At the time it was very sudden and pretty insane. The window washing scaffolding was smashing against the office building a couple times. The windows in the skyway were all blown out. On Portland Ave (main city street) about 100 trees were down. Crazy times... Thankfully, I didn't drive the Prius in this morning. I guess the carpooling gods were shining down on me. I need to move back to LA, earthquakes are more fun and less frightening...
Just north of the cities, so we had a little warning what was coming our way... No damage up here that i've seen, although we did get to laugh at the poor SOB's with windows that had to come bug us in the middle of the building for half an hour during the weather advisory.