I bought a 2010 IV pearl prius with the solar roof. The car is amazing, and I love it! HOWEVER, after her first bath I discovered that the prius had damage under the bumper and someone had attempted to paint over it (this is the day after I bought it). I took it to the dealer and they said they would 'fix it'. I paid full price for a undamaged prius, does anyone think they should take money off of the price? I can understand damaged can occur but for them to attempt to hide it!? They claim it was frieght damage from the truck, however would the truck driver take the time to check all cars and paint damage. Plus, I got the paint and under the car protection, so no one noticed during washing or applying the undercoat under the car? Also, wouldn't you check your vechiles from frieght to make sure no damage occured? I think this toyota attempted to sell me a damaged car knowingly. Anyone else have an opinion. -Kasey
Freight damage and repair is not uncommon for new cars. Dealers are allowed to repair this sort of damage and sell a car as new without the buyer being aware of the repair. The only difference in your case is that you know about it. Tom
I understand damage occurs, but I will post pictures, my car is pearl white, it looked like whiteout had been pasted to my car (colors not matching at ALL), pieces of the bumper (small but noticable) were sticking out and not covered in paint.
Given the damage may seem small, but I paid over $34,000, for a brand new undamaged prius, I just find this unexceptable.
Kasey, After looking at that pic, I would suggest they replace the skin or repair to "NEW" condition. Any touchup would not be acceptable to me. One thing to be careful of, watch those concrete curbs in lots and such and pulling up to a sidewalk. These can also happen when hitting them, and due to the low clearance, you will want to be careful. I did it in a Honda and cringed once I saw what I did. Because your car is the Pearl White...I would INSIST on having it repaired/replaced to your satisfaction. It's cosmetic and more will come but it's new and understand completely your reasoning... Call them and tell them NO WAY is this acceptable...get on it early. Good Luck!
Ouch... Looks like someone took it for a test drive and didn't know to stop before scraping the parking bumper when they were done with it. Assuming it was test driven. Good thing you found it as early as you did. Imagine what would have happened if it had been a month or two later. Hope your dealer sets you right. EDIT: Beaten about scraping the parking bumper.
I think this is a useful feature that your dealer included for free. Now you don't have to worry about the first scratch on your new car. :madgrin:
I have often had the same thought. When you buy a new car, the salesman should walk out with you and whack it on the side with a ball peen hammer. It would make you sick, but then it would be over. Tom
The only other vehicle (besides the Prius) that I bought brand new was a 89 Ford Ranger. I managed to go about 1 month before a guy rear ended my truck at a red light. Got the bumper replaced and went another year before someone backed into it in a parking lot and bent the bumper into the body. Replaced the bumper again, but later found a huge scratch on the front fender. I volunteered to pickup an ion mill for my advisor at UCD and the guy loading it scraped the tailgate with the forklift while loading. Finally, the paint started peeling from the roof. Good thing I washed and waxed it regularly. :madgrin: I wasn't planning to buy another new vehicle, but the used Prius prices in my area were almost the same as new. With the tax credit it was a wash, but I got the full warranty. Before I made the second car payment, I was rear ended by a young girl in a Corolla. Got it over with early. :madgrin: I prefer to buy predented vehicles; it saves a lot of time and trouble. :madgrin:
It would've piss me off if that's what happened to me. I would've used California's 72-hour (i think) return policy, or force them to replace the bumper cover.
This looks like curb scratch. I discovered my TCH a week after delivery has the same scratches under the front edge of the bumper and the dealer does not even try to paint over it. It is not visible unless you look underneath. I bought a bottle of touch up paint and painted over.
I'm not ok with a new car that has its first scratch or dent. Doesn't mean one won't get another dent anytime soon. It does mean said owner is ok with a new car that looks a little crappy and damaged. On much older cars, I don't care nearly as much. My '88 pickup has door dings. Oh well. $30k new car ... it better look like it. ----------------------------- To the origianl poster, those dealers will sell whatever they can. Like many business, their attitude is - it's functionally perfect although not cosmetically so. They just want to move the product and get paid. It's almost a game to see if they can get away with it. Good luck this time. Next time, bring a big, old blanket, get down on the ground and look everything over twice.
Like others have said ... watch out for low driveways in the Prius or will add more scratches. They needed to keep body low to ground for less aero drag.
I don't think the OP wants advice about scraping up his car because it sits low, the damage was already done, somebody else did it, and they did a sloppy job at trying to cover it up.
Ok, to the OP ... Good that you've posted pictures. Now post up all the dealer information. Print out Priuschat page, take to dealer with you. Don't show them yet. Take car back to dealer, show damage. Request it repaired or replaced to look like a new unit Take request up to management level if needed. If no satisfaction, show Priuschat info, your reviews on local websites. If doesn't work, file case with Toyota Corporate 1 800 331 4331 If that doesn't work, call '7 on your side' (media consumer support) type place. Something will make dealer jump to fix damage. Dealer or transporter scratches car, they pay, not the end customer.