Is anyone else is experiencing some problems with the sound quality of the bluetooth ? I can hear perfectly the caller from my car. The sound is clear and I can adjust the volume, it is very nice but the people I'm talking with, said that my voice sounds like distant, not clear and hard to understand even when I speak very loudly. Do you have any suggestion regarding that situation and how to improve the sound quality for the other party ?hone:
I have had in my 2005 since 2005 and now that I have a 2010 the sound is better and the people I call say how nice it is. Perhaps, by habit, I tend to talk up to the speaker. The overall sound quality is much better. The Itunes on my phone are like being in a sound studio. Just awsome!!
I had the same issue check this out... [ame=]YouTube - 2010 Toyota Prius Bluetooth microphone volume adjustment[/ame]
Hmm Tried the above - but it only made the icoming calls louder, and didn't improve the microphone level
I might be wrong but I'm quite sure the problem was related to the microphone of my car and this is the point of this video. The volume of the incoming calls is adjusted using the speakers volume. Anyhow, I just did what was showed on the video and I will try to call someone to see if it improves something.
Sorry - bit confused by your reply I went out and did two test calls to the house - before and after the change. After the change my other half said i was no clearer, but the volume of the call at my end was off the scale. I normally have the incoming call volume set to the middle, and that's fine. After doing what was shown in the video I had to reduce it to just two bars as it nearly blew my head off it was so loud It may have been the point of the video to help with boosing mic volume - but it shows the menu option as "Receive voice level" - which makes me thing that it does just that - and doesn't do anything to the microphone levels.
If you follow the video you will be adjusting the gain on the mic that you talk into. You can also adjust the volume of the caller in the setup screen. It worked for me
I just checked it with my loved one and it solved 90% of the problem. The sound is now louder and I don't have to yell to be understand but there's still some crackling. Nothing serious though. Thanks a lot both of you !
When I first got mine a few weeks ago I was having the same problem. When I called my wife she kept complaining how bad I sounded and she could barely understand me. While dealing with a different bluetooth problem (streaming audio) I discovered that WiFi on my phone was interfering with bluetooth (they are near the same frequency). My phone is an iPhone 3G. After turning WiFi off that solved 100% of my BT problems and now my call are crystal clear.
The comments I have gotten from people reciving calls from me said it sounds better than the mike on the phone
Please help I followed the youtube video commands several times and cannot get into the special command menu when tapping the upper and lower left corners, inside the bar. I even had my buddy try and it doesn't pop up what am I missing Thanks
I finally got the hidden menu to pop up (inconsistantly but persistance won. The adjustment made no difference in the mic pickup volume. I even tried adjusting to both +5 and then -5, testing each time, and it made no difference. My conclusion is that the Bluetooth option for my 2010 is NOT viable as I cannot be heard unless I move up to the mic in the overhead console. The audible for the call coming in is perfect.
Finally, same here ! The sound level has been corrected but my voice sounds like "robot". I will have to go to my cell phone supplier to see if there is something I can do. He will probably tell me that it is a car issue, I will go to Toyota where they will blame the phone ! I'll keep you informed !