I had a strange event on my 2005 Tideland #6 a couple of days ago. After driving approx 8 miles following a tank fillup, my mileage reading just reset itself to zero. I was driving with both hands on the steering wheel, wasn't touching any buttons and suddently, the mileage went to 0 and the mpg reading changed also. I drove about a mile back home, and after a power down and engine cool down, started up the car, and the mileage and mpg showed the correct reading again - ie. 9 miles & 49mpg. Hmmmm, software glitch? What do you guys make of this? :? Alan
Hmmm, weird. It's normal for there to be a delay after fill up and if you'd said it occured a mile after fill up then you drove 8 more miles and it was ok I'd say that's normal. In your case, that's a little weird and I don't think it's normal. I think I'd just watch for it again. How many miles, what model year, etc.
Yes, it's weird and I will most certainly monitor the situation to see if it happens again. I will post again if it re-occurs. We got our Prius in Feb 2005 and it has 3500 miles on it. Alan
I had some weird gremlins like that once and found I had a leak in the tail light assembly. Water was getting into the trunk and getting all of the electronics wet/humid. Check for water or moisture in the trunk...where the tire is.