I created a spreadsheet to track not only my MPG put also my savings per tank of gas and some other things. Check it out. I'm thinking some others may find it useful. If the moderators like it they can post it in the Knowledge Base.
Nice spreadsheet layout, however I prefer to use the ODO to calculate the miles driven. After each fillup I write the odometer reading on the fuel receipt and store them in the glove box. Periodically I retrieve them and input them to a spread sheet. My input headings are: Date,Odo,Fuel Qty, $/Gallon.
I'm playing with the spreadsheet right now, adding a form to fill in the pertinent details...just to brush up on my programming...
A very nice spreadsheet Mike. I like the design and layout. I did have one question that has been giving me trouble since I started keeping a personal Mileage log. In the calculations how is everyone accounting for partial fill-ups? The spreadsheet that you posted, Mike, works fine for complete fill-ups at each stop but when a partial is entered the results are way off. I am normally in the practice of complete fill-ups but there have been occasions were it was not practical for me to do so, and I am just looking for a way to calculate the result.
If I have to add a gallon or two to prevent running out, I'll add those extra gallons to when I completely fill up. I then flag that row a different color so I know that it is an 'inflated' tank.
Very nice! I had already created a spreadsheet but did not include the cost savings. My first month with my PRI I saved $60.74 in gas! By the way, how do you rate finding gas less than $2 per gallon? :cussing:
Thanks for the idea Dan. I will try to add that to my spreadsheets. My current system of trying to figure out what was in the tank before the fill up and compensate accordingly just seems inaccurate.
This is pretty much what I do too, but I have an input of $/Tank because a few gas station I have gone to charge a little extra for using a ATM/pay station (I found out /after/ paying of course). That way the service charge gets calculated into MPG. That's what I get for going to a cheap arco station =-(. I also look at seattlegasprices.com before filling up, so I know where the cheap gas is. http://gunn.ath.cx/projects/prius/gas.html you can see one tank worked out to $2.442/gal with the charge. I also input the MFD MPG to track over time too, making 6 inputs (with temperature, which I borrowed from TonyPSchaefer) The only extra stuff I have on my sheet is $/day spent on gas. I'm trying to work out a good way to add maintenece costs, as they arise.
That is a pretty slick speadsheet. Mine does not look as nice but I wanted to know how much the car basically costs me over a given period of time. Here is what I use. I wish I could automate it but not very good with macros so I manually have to change some cell pointers as I add data. It is interesting to look at since it compares two Prii (mine and my wife's). We both drive to the same place (within 5 miles), but due to her schedule we cannot car pool. Mine is slightly modified and hers is stock. I tend to coast more and she has a heavy foot. She also takes the kid to day care which is a 2 mile detour. I like enguneer's chart but could not figure out how to do that on my sheet. I will have to play around with it some more. <removed old version of spreadsheet>
It occured to me that I forgot to post a source xls file. Here it is: http://gunn.ath.cx/projects/prius/gas.xls Example output: http://gunn.ath.cx/projects/prius/gas.html While I was at it, I prettied it up a bit and made some cool formulas for copying the last row of output into the blue cells up top. I'll try to attach it here too. All you need to do is: - Enter your starting date and odometer in the first input row (3). - Enter your data in the first six columns of the next row (4). - After the first fillup you will need to drag down the formula columns for every new entry you do. Everything should auto calculate. Final output is in the first row. The output and chart auto-update until row 100. - File-Save as webpage will make it into the HTML, which I place directly onto my server manually. I will be happy to (attempt to) help anyone who has questions.
These xl sheets are awesome!! As I am from Canada everything is metric unfortunatley. If possible could I get those xl spreadsheets in metric or if anyone has changed it already could you post it? Thanks!!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(engunneer\";p=\"96588)</div> Alright... Over the past 5 years, no one has ever been able to explain how "average temperature" is properly determined. How do you?
Well everyone's posting their excel spreadsheets that they use to keep track of their mileage. I may as well post mine eh? Mine is a variation on on the first one I ever saw which was john1701a's. It's got a lot of the same colors but there isn't much similarity anymore. I've added a bunch of forumulae to make it so all you have to do is to input the stuff in the shaded area. I pondered adding a sheet for maintenance (and I still may) but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I can convert this into kilometers, liters, and canadian dollars (eh) but all that would take is changing the titles. You could just pretend it says kilometers, liters, and canadian dollars (eh) and leave it how it is. The calculations will all be the same. I suppose I could add a nice neat entry sheet. Maybe I'll get around to that if anyone's interested. Anywho, here is mine.
Actually now that I think about it who here is good with Access? I'd really rather have a database for this but I'm too dumb to figure out how to get the darned thing to calculate like I want it to. With a spreadsheet you could enter in no only gas info but everything you spend on your car (and you could add scanned in receipts if you wanted to) and get a really good sense of what your cost per mile is. Just saying.
I tried it but had problems getting access to do all the calculations. I your sheet Mike. We need an excel guru to combine all the good stuff from all the sheets to make one good one. My sheet has the cost per mile (and per day) base on gas and also with all mods/maint/insur/payments/etc. I would like a sheet to track: Odom, MDF MPG, Cost, Loc/type, All costs (maint, insurnace, payments, mods), tank notes Calc: MPG, cost per day, cost per mile, avg cost of gas, gas savings Show: monthly avg, overall avg, vs temp, cal vs MFD, summary
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tadashi\";p=\"100683)</div> You just need to unprotect the sheet then you can get to everything. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tadashi\";p=\"100683)</div> For me, it needs to be a simple updating process or I won't end up doing it. That's why I'd rather have a database than a spreadsheet. That way you only have to worry about entering the data and can manipulate the output any way you want. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tadashi\";p=\"100683)</div> With a database you could do all of this and more on the fly.
Well, I added the parts of your spreadsheet I liked to mine (Basically, the one touch update when just putting in basic fill up info). I still have my summary page for both my and my wife's Prius. I will still have to do some tinkering to add multiple years, but should not be anything too difficult. I meant I had problems doing the calculations in MS Access.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tadashi\";p=\"100759)</div> Oh, I see. Yeah me too, I just could not figure it out for the life of me. I can certainly build a database to enter all the stuff and I can maybe figure out how to do some rudimentary calculations in the reports, but nothing like I needed to do for this.