Has anyone had the problem of the gas nozzle getting stuck in the tank when trying to remove it after getting gas? It was extremely hard to remove and I finally yanked it out. I took it to Toyota and they said they couldn't find anything wrong but the pin had broken off and they had to order another one. I just got gas again, and the suction on the gas nozzle is extremely tight and I can see this happening over and over again. Toyota tells me they have never heard of this. Certainly I'm not the only one! PS I saw a previous thread a while ago about a release button for the nozzle but 2009 must not have it.
I've got visions of that SNL commercial skit from many years ago... The Mercury Mistress - Videos - Funny Hub I'm pretty sure there was another variant callled "The Consort" that ended with a car alarm going off at night and the owner yelling at some guy to get away from his car...the fellow was having his way with vehicle at the time.
It happened to me the first time I got gas. I just figured I pushed it in too far. It scared me for a minute because I thought I had put diesal in my tank by mistake... Has anyone with a new prius run off the road staring at the energy screen?