For you people waiting for the call, I got mine today I ordered my Pack V WO ATP on 17 Jul 09 and I was told today that my car would be comming into NYC on 8/28/09. So if you ordered around the same time I did then and live in PA then your car should be on the way!
Congratulations!!!! The whole ship thing confuses me. I was told I would get my car on the 26th or 27th and others were told their car was coming in on the 24th to NYC so I assumed mine would be on that ship. Is it possible that there is another ship right behind it or does this mean our ship is delayed?
I got the first V WITH ATP in the region two weeks ago. Great car! I am very glad I waited for the ATP. Awesome system! Enjoy your new car!
Port installed options delay shipping from the port a fews days. No option cars go right on the trucks. Time of day matters too. Teamsters and long shoremen don't work 24-7 in NY/NJ. Some of you said Eminent Ace EMINENT ACE Destination: Japan-Newark~8-24~ ETA: 2009-07-29+ for your cars. Not by the 24th unless its at the canal tonight. unless they changed ships. Non of the ships I see at the canal have carried Toyota's this year. Check with your dealer to see if they have any new info.