Well, whatever complaints people have about the Prius Nav, one has to admit she is very polite. I was using the voice commands to try and program in the name of a shopping center. I haven't studied the manual in detail yet (too busy with the main manual) so was having trouble making her find what I wanted. She kept coming back with the wrong category of information. My BF, in a fit of frustration, said "Eat sh*t and die!" --to which she politely replied, "Dining!" Actually, so far I think the Prius nav is pretty cool, even though I have a Garmin Nuvi 760. The voice recognition is great (as long as you know what you're doing) and it give you alternate routes, unlike the Garmin.
Good name for him! I have the Englishman too. His name is Mr. Wes Ed Monster because whenever he gets to West Edmonston Drive, he tells me to "turn right on Wes Ed Monster Drive."
My Garmin which is now sitting on a shelf on closet is named "b!itch in the box" because of all the U turns it wants me to make.
I have a Garmin Nuvi. Very rarely does it instruct me to make a U-turn. There is a system configuration parameter to avoid U-turns. Have you read the manual? Keith
Did anyone hear this week ends Prairie Home Companion, Garrison did a Guy Lemar Private Eye bit with the talking NAV lady, was humorous.
Isn't that sketch "Guy Noir"? Funny stuff, no matter what it's called. Unfortunately I missed this weekend's... have to look for it online.
I looked everywhere in the Owner's Manual, but cannot find if I can switch the Navigation voice from female to male. Anyone know? I'm in the U.S. and have a Prius III. I'd also like it -- if when I enter the vehicle -- "he" says, "Hey, babe, lookin' good!", but then you can't have everything, I suppose.
She does?? Mine gives me the silent treatment, recalculates and starts giving directions again. I so understand her!
I think your right. I cracked up when the NAV lady started saying, "Why do we only go go places you want to go. Do you ever think there are places I would like to go and see?"
I turned off as much car talking to me as possible. I really don't need it reciting the entire list of possible commands and repeating everything. I also don't need constant verbal directions. I can glance at the NAV screen. Maybe eventually they will get the car as smart as Kit or HAL. "Open the garage door, HAL." Silence. "I said open the garage door HAL." Silence "HAL, can you hear me?" Prius says, "I can hear you, Dave." "Then why won't you open the garage door, HAL?" Prius says, "I think we both know why I can't do that, Dave." "No HAL, I don't know why, please tell me." Prius says, "Because that would jeopardize my ability to use sunlight to power my solar panel moon roof." Are we ready for cars with a mind of their own?
My first Garmin was named Camilla by my wife, after we set her to British female. Got a newer one, still liked the voice, so I named her CARmilla.