Coastal Tech's auto door lock mod kit interests me but it isn't clear to me how involved the installation is. The website says no wires are cut and one only needs nedle nose pliers and a screwdriver, but where does it install? Do I need to take the door apart to install it? Anyone know? thanks
The kits goes in on the right side (passenger) of the dash, it was very easy and took me about 1 hour to get it installed and it works great. You end up taking out the glove box that removed very easy (now screws) then you can optionaly remove the AC vent (I did not) but you remove the cover below the AC vent and the panel that is just under the dash and also the molding that is in the door jam (it just unsnaps) the wires are not cut you just clamp on some 'T' connectors and plug in the wires. Then reassemble everything and enjoy.
I thought it was a joke it was so easy. But I had done 3 EV button installs before, so I had gotten to the area plenty of times before. I did this install on a friend, Brad (from around here, moved to WA, but sold his Prius and got a tC ) I installed it in a parking lot on his Prius. Took me a total of 10 mins to completely, take apart the dash, install, put dash back together. It was nice too. A great product for the people just starting to mod their cars!
I did my auto-lock while installing an XM radio--same parts off the dash for both. It's not hard and everything snap-fit back in place without loose pieces, rattles, or crooked seams. There are four wires that are tapped (clips that slice into the insulation but don't cut the wires). They are crimped on with the pliers. The documentation in the kit makes it very clear which wires to hit. It felt so natural having auto-locking doors again. The family was very happy with the change today. Gary
That's good to know. I've ordered one and was a little worried about the installation. I've done stuff like that before and hoped it would go in easy.