Sounds like my first guess was partly accurate. If you are certain that you did not bump it, then I'd suggest the problem is more likely a bad shifter than a software issue. It takes very little effort to switch into neutral, and I can imagine that a physical problem with the shifter mechanics could emulate this (perhaps at a quick stop, or if the car is jerked a bit). Does anything seem loose? If you have a quick stop, can you see the shifter move at all? If it is not the shifter, I'd have them take a look at the wire harness as well for a shorted or loose wire.
To the Original Poster, It's helpful and good to get this information out, if it does turn out to be a "software glitch" or other flaw that might be repeated in other Prius. However as far as resolution of your problem for yourself, you're under warranty have you gone to the dealership? Since this might be a tricky problem to track down, I'd get the process going and evaluation from the dealership repair. You've gotten some good advice and some leads, but ultimately if it wasn't inadvertent drivers error, IE: Gear shift being knocked, or Hill assist being employed, then your friendly authorized Toyota repair facility is your next visit. Appreciate the online documentation of your plight, hopefully you can be helped and help others with the information.
About 200 miles on my new 2010 Prius III. After stopping at a light on flat terrain had great difficulty in getting the car to proceed. This continued after another 10 stops or so, each time requiring significant accelerator pressure. Tried a shut-off and restart without improvement. Returned to the dealer (Menlove Toyota, Bountiful, UT) who observed that the rear brake light stayed on after shut-off. They 're-adjusted' the brake pedal setting and have not yet experienced a repeat experience.
Today I've seen the whole range. First there are post about Prius not stopping after moving - which has degenerated into an argument about space aliens not paying taxes. Now there are post about Prius not moving after stopping. It seems like Toyota created a perfect Newtonian body. A Newtonian body at rest likes to stay at rest. A Newtonian body that is moving likes to continue to move.