This is horrible news for me. When I left the military I swore I would never touch another can of BRASSO. What to do, what to do.
I have the very same problem with the display screens;however, there are no scratches on my plastic screens. I called the 800 number today and spoke to a very nice lady that said they had received no complaints regarding our problem. She reffered me to my local Toyota service department. I called them and they also said that they had not heard of the problem, but to bring it in and they would take a look at it. I know if I take it to the service dept. that they will say that it is normal. I only have 1000 miles on the car, but I guess I will carry it in. I really don't want to try the Brasso yet. Since the car is under warranty I think I would like them to do any polishing.
Honestly I didn't notice the problem for past 600 miles 20 days of owning the car until I read this thread and now it's bothering me more I look at it. You guys ruined it damn it. I don't see any scratches but it feels like looking at an out of focus picture. Even without sun glare. Now what...
Show it to dealer AND call Toyota to get your compliant on record. Dont rely on dealer to call Toyota about it.
Don't mean to be a naysayer or doubter in any way, believe me. You must have STONES to have tried these methods in the first place in your car. Happy to hear that it seems to have worked for you. My screens are "OK". Not what I'd call foggy, but not crystal clear be any means. And for 8 weeks old, they have light scratches as if the car was a year old. I try to be very careful wiping the lenses, but... Is it possible to get independent verification of this polish technique & product? Like get hold of Brasso to conduct tests, and if positive they'd have a built-in customer base.... Or if a few more "Stoney" PC folks would try this as well?
In touching the blurry screen I do feel a pebbly surface. Particularly noticeable when I rub the radio screen immediately after. So I think there is a basis for making the screen clearer by polishing down this surface.
After serving in the military for more than 22 years I am very well acquainted with 'Brasso'. It is a metal polisher, you use it to polish the metal insignia on your uniform, brass fixtures and door knobs among other things. I would never use it on plastic, glass or plexiglass. Just my 2 cents!
There are, however, other plastic polishes that may work as well as Brasso. I think the idea is the same; an extremely fine abrasive.
From Wikipedia: Other applications Brasso can also be used to polish out scratches in [ame=""]plastics[/ame]: It is used to polish CDs, DVDs, screens, and pools in order to repair scratches. It is a mild solvent and an extremely fine abrasive, so when applied to the reflective surface of the disc and rubbed radially (in straight lines between the edge and center), it can smooth scratches and reduce their effect.[3][4] [5] Brasso can also be used on Lego [ame=""]minifigures[/ame] to remove markings.[6] Brasso has also been used by watch enthusiasts to polish scratches out of acrylic crystals on watches. ^ Restoring a Damaged CD ^ Burks, Jared (Summer 2006). "Minifig Decal Application". Brickjournal 1 (5): pp. 97. ^ CD Repair Kits from Burning Issues: CDR Repair Kits Writing ^ [ame=]French polish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] Reference 7 used Brasso to polish out scratches on a CD-ROM vs some other products and Brasso was the best.
Sorry my references did not all make it in the first time - let's try again. Notes ^ Church, Roy A.; Andrew Godley (2003). The Emergence of Modern Marketing. Routledge. p. 30. ISBN 071465390X. ^ MSDS Product Safety Data Sheet ^ Understanding and Servicing CD Players, Ken Clements, p 177 ^ Big Book of Apple Hacks, Chris Seibold, p 584 - 585 ^ Restoring a Damaged CD ^ Burks, Jared (Summer 2006). "Minifig Decal Application". Brickjournal 1 (5): pp. 97. ^ CD Repair Kits from Burning Issues: CDR Repair Kits Writing ^ [ame=]French polish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Glad to hear Rogers Toyota tried to be responsive. I live too far to bring it back so will open a case with T and then wait a couple of months to try and get clear covers. I need to get the reverse beeping changed to one beep. Since I did not purchase locally, whichever dealer does it for free will get my service business. Both my screens are terrible
Plastic polish....BINGO..we have a winner! :mod: I used Novus 2. It's a plastic polish & fine scratch remover I use on my motorcycle helmet visor & windscreen. These are relatively delicate poly-carb plastics that I DO NOT want to damage...thus the specialty product. Followed that with Novus 1 cleaner and...BINGO! Clean, clear numbers and symbols...finally! :rockon: Google 'Novus' and find them in a lot of places. If you know someone who rides...they may already be using it.....
You people that polish it out yourself are solving the problem on your end. I'm gonna wait a month or 2 and see if Toyota does a fix on it. If not then i might go the polish route. But if it's polished out by the owner i have my doubts that Toyota will replace it with their fix if they come out with one. Then again maybe after you polish it you wouldn't want a Toyota fix.
And now after word of this gets around, the response from Toyota will be to issue a TSB that advises dealers to use plastic polish, rather than order a replacement part;-) I'm sticking with my theory that Toyota got a batch of parts that lacked quality control and decided to use them anyway since they were deemed "good enough". At least there's an easy fix.
Just bought a 2oz bottle of Novus #2 on ebay. Willing to give anything relatively safe a try. Fine scratches from my cleaning, and hope to clear up a bit as well. Thanks for the first plunge into this hopeful fix. Seller:novacompanies ( 7085) Novus plastic polish #2 2oz bottle 260399591123 - Price: US $2.50 US Postal Service First Class Mail: US $1.73 Estimated delivery: 3-6 business days*
We all own a new Prius and I don't think we should be trying to correct a Toytoa problem with polish. Dfran1 has the best solution for dealing with a Toytoa problem, which is to contact them for corrective action (under warranty). Please call Toytoa at 1-800-331-4331 and press #5. to register your complaint. Then take the car to your dealer. Do the 2009 Prius have the the same screens or are they different?
Remember when the Hubble had the lenses installed backwards? Could it be that the plastic has been put on inside out?
Could you see that it removed a layer of glaze or anti-glare coating, and did it come off quickly? Just curious what was "removed" to make the display clear.