After installing the TC wheels on my 08 Prius.... WOW! what a difference! Corners much better, rides about the same, and more stable on freeways when winds blow all over the place. But, there'll definitely be a huge hit on the MPG. Now.... of course the Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensor warning light came on. Is there a way to disable it?
Why didn't you put TPMS sensors on the wheels?????? Also, I too would like to see a pic!!! And the MPG hit you take, how bad is it???
I bought the wheels with new tires already installed. I just went ahead and put them on and didn't bother with the TPMS sensors swapped. I'll take pics of the car if I get a chance today after work. And the MPG hit, I'm expecting at least 5-8mpg hit.
before i swapped my stock rims out, i managed to get about 47-48mpg. now, i can get up to 46, but i average about 43-45.
There is no (easy) way to disable it, and doing so could be a federal offense. TPMS is required by federal regulations for MY2008 and later. ETA: It looks like it is legal to disable it yourself, but it is illegal for a repair shop or dealer to do so.
You're right! I've since put on 600 or so miles with the TC wheels, and I took a hit of 6mpg....similar to others who use the same wheels. I've since mulled over this: mpg/efficiency vs. handling/safety. I've decided to keep the wheels. I can put a price on mpg but not on safety, especially when it comes to wife and daughter in the backseat. Also, just to provide an idea on handling: Freeway ramps that I used to take at 50 mph (with the Integrity tires), I can now take those at 65 mph easily. And the crosswinds on the freeway...I can hear them, but can hardly feel them.
I have the same rims and I agree as well. I am taking a 5mpg hit as well but can't complain since no other car out there can still beat 45 MPG. The handling/ safety is like night and day and is worth the MPG hit which comes out to $60- $80/ year. The OEM integrities are dangerous.
These look even better in person. There's a black Gen II running around my area w/these rims and it looks awesome.
i opted with the standard touring rims because they are very light and the hit on mileage was minimal. i too can take turns like no tomorrow. they enhanced the handling and the car almost felt like a sports car.