Has anyone installed a Fumoto or Quick oil drain valve on a 2010 GEN III? I am concerned about clearance for the valve between the engine crankcase, and the cover that is under the engine. Did you use the valve w/the nipple for attaching a drain tube ? I dont want to over fill. How much fresh oil did you actually use including the filter change? Thanks Tom
Help! Is there no one who knows if the Fumoto (quick oil drain valve) will clear the cover under the engine? Thanks Tom
I just installed Fumoto F013N. It worked fine but you can still feel the tip of the nipple touching the undercover. At next oil change I will tighten the valve so that it won't touch the cover anymore.
The specifications say 4.4 quarts but I think some stays in the engine so it actually would take about 4.3. I don't like it overfilled so I probably end up putting in about 4.2. Best way I have found is put in 4 quarts, start it and let it run for a min or so, then add a little more being careful to stop when it's a 1/4 inch or so below the full mark.