My wife drove an '05 Beetle convertible Dark Flint edition with everything but a wet bar -- heated seats, Monsoon sound system, power everything, and pretty decent acceleration (compared to the Beetles we drove in the 70's and early 80's). I've been driving an 06 Supercrew F-150 Lariat with power everything, heated seats, premium sound system with Sat. radio and CD changer. Both have leather. We fight over who gets to drive the Prius and who gets to drive the Beetle. Now want to get a second one to help settle things. Spoiled? We just love the car, but she is gonna miss those heated seats this winter.
So it would have been OK to pile shit on the designer of Lexus interior just provided no one is critical of your work jhinton? Good form there.
I didn't say that, only that if the OP had referenced a Lexus I would not have responded. I'll let the Lexus people defend their own work which is quite nice BTW. You notice I didn't argue with the poster that mentioned that current BMW's have nicer interiors than Mercedes. I don't disagree, the new BMW interior are very nice and in my opinion better than those from Mercedes. The newbie's here will find out soon enough that their beloved Prius isn't as perfect as they think. Maybe when the paint starts flaking off their dash or when they go to a gas station with an empty tank and can't fill their tank due to the stupid bladder system in the Prius. This last weekend I tried to fill my Prius without much luck. I drove into the station with one pip. The tank took ~ 2 gallons before clicking off. I then tried different flow rates, nozzle depth, nozzle angles, holding the nozzle upside-down, etc trying to get some fuel into my empty tank with no luck. I finally added another 3 gallons a click at a time before giving up. That took it to 6 pips. I then went to the station and pump that I normally use but it still wouldn't take fuel. Again I manually clicked away until I had another 2 gallons in. That was good for 8 pips. If the Prius is so perfect, why can't one consistently put gas into it? I'll admit my orginal past was very blunt, but that doesn't change the fact that the Prius has lots of room for improvement. The interior in the Prius is equivilent to a Yaris, not a Mercedes. And again, I like my Prius, it goes from A to B and gets good fuel mileage which is the reason I purchased the car. So no, I'm not going to sell my Prius and get a M-Class because I have no need for an SUV.
i think all vehicles have a lot of room for improvement, be it fit, finish, performance, economy or even price, there is always a better way... btw, the shut off on the gas nozzle, it happens to me maybe once every 15-20 fillups or so, but is my experience of shut offs Prius only?? nope, i cant think of a vehicle i have ever owned that didnt do it at least a few times. in any vehicle without regards to vehicles priced in the same range as your house, there will be compromises made. ultimately the question is, are those compromises acceptable. i think they are. granted if using a line by line checklist, it will not all be "yes" or "10"... but at the same time, i can afford to buy this with cash, a car with a lot of "10's" is something i probably could not buy
It has happened to me 4 times in 64 fillings. That is once every 16 times and 4 times too many. I have never owned another vehicle with this problem. I have occasionally run into a pump that I have to fill at a slower rate. The Prius is the first car I have ever driven that occasionally just won't take fuel unless I repeatedly squeeze the handle to get a couple of ounces at a time. This frustration is compounded by the very real danger of destroying the whole bladder system if you overfill the tank and get fuel between the bladder and the steel tank.
You dont know what you are talking about a friend of my fathers borrowed a 08 Touring Prius from his sister and he likes it better than his 2005 E55 AMG "FULLY LOADED" and that he is cosidering trading his car in for a Prius.
I have had my Prius IV 2010 with solar powered roff etc. for 3 days. I love driving it! I love all the gadgets. I am so happy I bought it!!
I'm feeling spoiled and I don't even have my new Prius IV yet. The fact that I'm able to afford a new car right now while many in the US are losing their jobs and struggling to make ends meet makes me feel humble and spoiled by my circumstances. JSH - I see that you're driving a 2005 Prius. Perhaps the 2010's have "come a long way, baby". While not a "luxury" car, buying a 2010 Prius is perhaps a luxury to some. "Luxury is in the eyes of the beholder." In our household, if someone is having a "bad" day, they can opt to just restart their day, no mater what time it is. So instead of getting so stressed, just restart your day! Peace to all :grouphug:
The Mercedes is clearly a superior product. The only area in which the Prius is better is the instrument panel.
Ditto with everyone else! I cannot give the Prius enough accolades! I only wish I had bought one years ago. I love people's reaction when they get in and see how much room there is. I've had mine a couple of months now and would have thought the novelty would have worn off. NOT! I am like a kid with a new toy. I haven't even learned (yet) how to drive properly to get the best benefits of gas mileage and still getting in the 40s. Kudos for Prius!
I definitely feel spoiled! I mean, come on, I get to drive the HOV lanes as a single driver HAH. I just love the dirty looks I get from the non-Hybrid single drivers . I can't help but say to myself - EAT IT SUCKERS! lol. Well, I'll be driving the HOV lanes for years to come, and let the spoiling continue :rockon: