I was listening to a CD and suddenly the screen changes to the phone screen and I get a "call waiting" and "talking" message. I didn't hear the phone ring. The CD audio was still running. No matter what button I pressed -- off-hook, on-hook, transfer, whatever -- the message would not go away. I checked my phone and there was no call. When I switched to map display it went away. But as soon as I hit the "phone/info" button, the call waiting message, with a counter, was still being displayed. Anybody have any idea what's going on? I don't know if this is related, but sometimes when I try to make a call through voice activation, I get a message saying the phone is busy and the command cannot be completed.
My only thought would be signals mixed with a nearby car, but I think that would be pretty impossible?
I don't know -- but it happened again today. I tried to make a voice-activated call and got all the way through the prompts but when I said "dial" it told me it was unable to connect because the phone was busy. The phone screen showed call waiting and talking in progress -- when I was definitely not on a call. I had to disconnect on the MFD manually and then make the call manually through the phone -- although BT was still connected and the voice came through the speakers. I think all I can do is delete the connection and start from scratch -- see if that solves it.
This might sound strange but try this...go into the audio setup and set the BT there to manual connect. Not the phone setup but audio setup.
I also have an iPod Touch connected through bluetooth. Would this be a problem to manually connect the phone? The busy-phone syndrome existed before I ever connected the iPod.
No idea on the iPod but does your phone stream music...like from the little removable mem chip/card if it has one?
It does have music playing capabilities but I don't have any music on the phone or memory card -- it's not playing or displaying anything when I get this call waiting/talking/phone busy message. I think it might be trying to connect to the same phone twice...something like that.
Just for grins I'd delete the phone from the car, reboot the phone, then re-link the phone to the car.
I will probably do that. The first time I was unable to complete a call and it was telling me that the phone was busy, I thought it might have been because the phone battery was low. There's something in the manual about it not working if the battery is low. I charged the phone and it worked fine the next time I tried. When the error happened again yesterday, I thought I had plenty of charge on my phone (because I had just charged it the day before and had hardly used it) and it didn't occur to me to look. Apparently my battery was low again because it was completely discharged this morning. I'm charging it now and will see if it works this evening.
I don't know what's going on with your phone, but I have a Sony Ericsson W810i phone that seems to connect more consistently now that I've updated its firmware to the latest version.
Are you getting text messages when it does that? or maybe some other that transfer (checking for mail, connecting via WiFi, changing service areas, etc).
This hasn't happened to me in my Prius, but I have a Garmin nuvi 660 in another car, that picks up a false "incoming call" signal at exactly the same spot on a major freeway. It's repeatable, and always within the same 0.1-0.2 miles of the freeway (and on both directions of the freeway!) The fact that Bluetooth is only good for about 30 feet or so means that this needs to be a pretty strong and consistent interference signal to cause this every time I travel that freeway. It has happened at other spots, too, but less consistently. It's certainly possible that another signal is causing that response, and then it disappears, and the system doesn't know what to do until it times out. I can't answer the "call" on my nuvi, either (because there isn't one!). J
Well, in my case, it happened in completely different locations. I think it could be because my phone battery was low. After I recharge, it seems to work okay. But if nobody else is having this problem... I do not know what it could be.