I've noticed that the FM signal is often weak, allowing static to interfere with the radio station. Sometimes it's clear, but many times it's weak. Has anyone else noticed this? Any suggestions?
FM generally has a capture affect, unlike AM, it will be all the way audible or not. It sounds like you are in a 'fringe' area of reception. Do/did your other vehicles have more solid reception? Not sure if there are any after-market antennas made for the 2010 yet but a longer antenna would surely help, when in marginal signal strength areas. I guess the stock stubby antenna is a compromise that most consumers are willing to live with.
Does this happen on ALL stations, or just the one you want to isten to. What are the stations call letters?
It happens on pretty much any FM station. Sometimes, stations sound ok, then they get static, then ok again. KSLX. KDKB. KTAR, etc...
If All the stations come in crappy, and you live in Phoenix as indicated, I would think maybe the antenna Pre-Amp that's located in the base of the antenna may be bad! You are using the stock whip, or do you have a Sharkfin??? Either way as close as you are to the Phoenix stations, should be flooded with signal. Under the probably not catagory, check make sure the mini Motorola plug is fully inserted into the radio. Maybe bad coax, it is possible...buuuutttt....and least likely, a bad radio. My money is on defective antenna Pre Amp!! Take a trip back to the dealer and demonstrate it for him.
Big time... this my first and only real gripe I have of my Prius. My Kia van has its antenna in the rear window and it gets superior reception compared to the Prius. All my vehicles have had far better reception. With that said, I have been toying around with an aftermarket antenna that runs along the outside edge of the rear or front window, inside. Though I am not thrilled about having to dig into my dash. It could also be a lame stock radio. I was thinking an aftermarket head unit anyway. Peter