Does anyone have information on the Plasmacluster? What do I do with it, does it need to cleaned? any information would be good.
Here's a good thread on the PlasmaCluster: Doing a googlesearch also turns up some other threads.
You do nothing. It's practically maintenance-free. Just wipe the driver's side vent from time to time. Plasmacluster is made by Sharp electronics if you wish to search it up.
I did RTFM (had a hard time finding the info because plasmacluster isn't in the TOC or index) just to find out what it is and how it works and it was not very enlightening. I also read the "concerns" thread, which I found a little confusing because of all the discussion about ozone and whether it can kill you. Seems it is pretty risky of Toyota to install something so controversial. I will take a look at the Sharp website. Why does one need to wipe the driver's side vents with a soft cloth (other than normal cleaning for any vent)? Does the plasmacluster cause some type of residue?
Since static electricity is discharged through the drivers side vent because of the system, dirt and the like tend to stick to it more. I've had a plasmacluster air cleaner in my home for some time now and the family is still around and kicking... The Camry has also had this for a few years now and I don't think there have been any plasmacluster deaths to date lol.
Thanks for your explanation. However, this brings up another concern. If static electricity is discharged, wouldn't that make it a hazard at gas stations??
Technically your supposed to turn the car off at gas stations so it wouldn't be in operation. Again, that's technically, so I see your point.
I think as Paradox stated to turn your car off at the Pump should be sufficient. Still doesn't stop the Cell Phone users though from talking, filling up and having the car running all at the same time. So, usual precautions that have been in place for years and you should be fine. Still don't get it, when people smoke when Fueling?? I guess that's called living on the edge and I don't want to participate in their experiment!
Hmm..yes... except that turning your car off is generally understood as turning the engine off. The A/C on the Prius can still run without the engine/hybrid system being on. I always power off the car at gas stations anyway, but I know that a number of people on these boards would argue that it's not necessary.
Yeah... what difference is a little static electricity from plasmacluster going to make? I think I'll leave my car and A/C running, start the gas pump, light a cigarette, and make a cell phone call. (Have you seen anybody smoking while fueling for real? I don't think I have.)
...and so have I. Those who do that, leave their car idling while pumping the gas, start pumping the gas and then SCOOT back into the vehicle while the gas is being pumped, and then SCOOT back out of the car when the pumping ends - all the while talking on their cell phones - are, to put it mildly - :loco: Static electricity can be created in many ways, all of which are deadly when in the vicinity of volatile gasoline fumes.
What about the static that is produced by the plasmacluster when you start the car when you leave, or when you pull up to the pump?
FYI: The Mythbusters tried very hard to make a cell phone cause gasoline to ignite and they were unable to do so. The rigged the experiments to favor explosion even.
As every licensed pilot of light aircraft knows (I am one), several safety steps must be made before refueling: the engine is shut down, all electrical devices are turned off, no smoking is allowed, and a static discharge line is connected to the aircraft. So the bottom line, for everyone's sake, is to use some common sense. Static electricity can kill. Just because something bad did not happen during a particular type of test doesn't mean it will not happen.