I just bought a 2004 Prius used. LOVE IT! The one thing I wish is that I had gotten the NAV system with it. Is there any way for the dealership to add it on as an accesory? If so, has anyone done this and have an idea of price? Thanks!
WHat about something like VSC? I was not willing to wait for Package 4 Prius (very rare in Texas) so I ordered package 3 - my guess is that VSC is disabled in software rather than it's a different ECU unit. Any ideas?
Nope, not just a disabled piece like the alarm was. You need a steering position sensor, and a yaw rate sensor (which is practically an ECU under the console), as well as the harness for both.
Only options to add are dealer optinos, like dimming rear-view mirror, or CD Changer, etc. Nothing that involves ripping the guts of the car apart!
Someone might have a bluetooth device to intercept a speaker. Won't work with the MFD though, that's in the NAV.
Yes it is but it's expensive ~$200 for a control pad that allows you to send/receive calls. I think it has speakers on it too.
Thalador, I did not get the navigation system either, but you can buy a much cheaper navigation system at Best Buy or Circuit City. I live in Houston, Texas, so I'm going to go to a place called Car Toys because the "make-ready" department at the dealership where I bought my car at uses them for installing radios, etc. You could have the navigation system mounted somewhere close to your other controls and it would work the same way..just a suggestion.