I don't even have the car yet so I downloaded the pdf owner's manual. I have read it and understand most of what I read. I also downloaded the Nav manual, what a mess. I can't understand most of it and have no idea how the system works or even if it does. I studied it for hours one night and never even figured out how the create and save a route with way points, something I learned how to do with my NUVI in about 10 min. At least I'll have a backup camera.
Don't bother. It's fairly intuitive and anybody should be able to operate basic functions (including setting a destination) without touching the manual.
I hope so. Like Tumbleweed, I have read the nav manual several times and still don't fully understand all the functions and this is coming from someone who picks up on technology fairly quickly. My TomTom was up and running within minutes and it was easy to figure out.
I, too, read it cover to cover the first night I received delivery of my Prius IV. I even added a few sticky tabs to the areas I may need to review in the future.
Wish me luck, I need to read it in German! (I am Italian...) Where can you download it? Can you really download it? And it is really 600 pages (or 1000 as I read in a post)? I always read all manuals of everything I buy. Always. You discover *so* many things.
Good luck! I agree you do learn a lot from reading the manuals. I read the quick reference guide last night (btw, manuals are great for bedtime reading) and learned 2 new things: 1) where the SKS lock on the hatch door is located (I couldn't find it) and 2) why the little slip icon appears when I press the break hard while stopped. I couldn't understand why this icon was appearing when I wasn't moving -- it's the hill start assist control (HAC) that helps prevent rolling backwards on an incline. I hadn't even heard of this feature!
Here is a link to the U.S. site but I'm not sure it will work for people in Europe? Give it a try maybe it will at least direct you to a European or Italian site. They have pdf owner's manuals but you have to download them one chapter at a time. Yes it really is over 600 pages, of course a lot of them don't contain much information. Toyota Owners Online | Official Toyota Owners Website
Yep, read it the morning after I arrived home with my Prius. Have even gone back to reference it to answer questions here on Prius Chat.
I read the manual this time cause I didn't the last time and would be surprised when I found out something new months down the line.....duh!
I can access the site, but you need to register to download the manual. There is a similar site for European users that is only in English, and there is no way to download the owner's manual, also if you register. Does the registration need some kind of Toyota product specific information or is it open to anyone?
Here in the U.S. you need the car's VIN to register and access the manual. And like the Toyota tech site, the manual is chopped into many small pdf pieces, but at least it's searchable.
Grrr, I've been trying to register since I got my car and have been getting this all week, no matter the time of day... We're sorry, your request cannot be completed at this time. Please try again later. Robbin
Thanks to some links I found here, I was able to completely devour the manual before purchase! I read manuals obsessively.
my wifes has, I made her read it which didn't take much proding as it's her car. I hope to read it this week.
When I first got my (2001) Prius, I read the manual cover to cover. I have to say, the crazy grammar and spelling was VERY entertaining! ;-)
How many wives? How long did it take to "make" them read it? Seriously, I do recommend reading it (them, if you have nav.) yourself, as well. I find, in general, that my spouse and I take away different - and often complimentary - perspectives from technical info sources. The good news is that they are pretty well written & user friendly - the manuals, that is; wives can often be friendly, too. Enjoy.