Before I disassemble the center console and look, I thought I'd ask. Does anyone know what's beneath the console/armrest? The little "hidden" drawer doesn't go back far enough to be a factor, and the floor of the console cavity seems to be about six or inches up within the console. On my Jeep Wrangler, this area was used to install a sub (factory install). I'll first try to remove the drawer and peer back behind it to see if that shows anything. mtc
There's a little bit of wiring. I think I remember you saying you have the SKS...the oscillator for the SKS resides in there. There's a lot of 'dead space' under there too. Oh, almost forgot....the hamsters that make the car go have their wheel in there too!
Should I feed them? I didn't see that in the manual. This might just push the lifetime cost above my limit. Dang. ps - Thanks for the info. I wonder a) is it enough space, and B) will the magnetic field interfere with the SKS.
Ah, sorry, didn't get that you wanted to put a sub there. I think it would need to be a pretty small one to fit, but maybe if you removed the little drawer it would fit OK. I don't think electrical interference would be an issue. And don't worry about feeding the hamsters. They survive off of the french fries you drop down there from McDonalds!
Uhm, sorry, but I don't believe there's any dead space under there.... I don't there's any room under there whatsoever for much of anything, let a lone a speaker. I had mine out last weekend... And the hampsters I saw were very small... The SKS oscillator resides on the back of the console so, that's not an issue but underneath the console is the parking brake mechanism, the yaw sensor which, I believe, is for the Vehicle Stablization Control, if you have that, and I think there's two other components that I can't remember right right now. But these all fill up the room between the hump and the bottom of the storage compartment. But, have a look. It's easy to pull the console out. Two screws and two bolts hold it in. Check out Evan's instructions in the KnowledgeBase under Nav. system defeat switch for removing it. There's also some other instructions and photos under KnowledgeBase>Appearance Mods>Adding lights to center console. And, it's easier to just pull the console out than trying to get the hidden drawer out (!) to have a look. It you do put something in there, just be concious of not having any dangling wires interfere with the parking brake mechanism.