and i suppose you know what that reason is?? well, let me refresh your memory. MS has 90% of the market because 90% of the market is only looking for the cheapest they can get. if that were not the case, then luxury cars would have 90% of the sales, but then again, it is true. so luxury cars have what percentage?? 10 maybe??...hmmm, now is that a coincidence?? nah... because fact of the matter is, even with bargain hunters, some will still pay the extra money for an Apple.
Just upgraded to my fourth Mac laptop and sold my old one to a friend. I have Virtualbox installed and got cheap copies of Windows XP and Vista at school, and also installed Ubuntu. I only use the non-Mac OS's out of curiosity, with the exception of a program to read data from my wife's glucose meter, which runs on XP. My laptop runs everything from iWorks to R, from Final Cut Studio to Blender and World of Warcraft (actually, I quit WoW recently). I do all of my programming on it, in Python and R, mostly.
Well, I don't have a Gen III, but I want to say the poll is not merely poorly constructed, it is utterly worthless. The assumption is that everyone would rather be dead than using the opposing brand. I think that Windows is crap. I think that OS X is pretty good. I have no use for a phone that does anything other than make phone calls. I like my iPod and I think it is somewhat nicer than other MP3 players. But I don't buy stuff just because it's got a logo on it. A proper poll would ask people to rate each system as great, good, or poor. Then I'd rate Windows as poor and OS X as good. And the iPhone as "I don't need one." I bet some folks would rate both systems as good, and some would rate both as poor. (We have some real Linux fans here.)
Not's specifically targeted at Gen III owners because I suspect that what draws people to Apple products also draws them to the Prius, especially the Gen III. I think the current poll results make that clear. (Or they prove that Apple fans are more likely to respond to polls.)
There are things that the MAC OS will far better than Microsoft but I do not use those apps so why spend 2x the price when the guts to both are the same.
The idea that a Mac costs more than a Wintel is not exact. If you have time to kill, take any Mac on the Apple Store and build the exact same configuration on the Dell Store. You will find out that the price is often the same or just a tad higher, sometimes the Mac costs less. We are far from "2x the price". What is true is that Apple doesn't do cheap/underpowered computers. So yes, most PCs costs less than a Mac... and you get what you pay for... A cheap PC is like a Pontiac Sunfire. Yes, it is a car. Yes, it is cheaper. But no, I wouldn't buy a Sunfire. I buy a Mac. I buy a Prius. Same logic to me (IMHO).
I cut my teeth on Macs, and because of that I am totally biased. I own both Mac and PC, and I much prefer Macs, I think they are much more user friendly. The kids and the husband love their PCs however, so I guess it is personal preference. I have never had a virus though! What I have spent on antivirus software and support on the PC's would have covered the extra cost of a Mac, no problem. I don't have an iphone, b/c At&t service sucks in my area. However, I have the next best thing, an ipod touch. I am addicted to my ipods. I'm sure someday when I move I will convert to iphone.
I started out using corporate Windows based machines and buying Windows based home machines at an employee discount. I converted to Apple two years ago. Now, my primary computer is my MacBook and use it except when forced to use the Windows machine. I have to keep the Windows machine for two reason: Microsoft Project and one of my clients provides training that is only accessible on a Windows system. But for those two reasons, I'd convert to Apple exclusively. --TK
One thing no one has mentioned that both Apple products and Pri's have in common is resale value, both products hold excellent resale value. Try getting 1/2 what you paid for a dell 6 months after you bought it, not going to happen. Didn't vote, not Gen 3 owner.
not a gen III but I get everything that Apple puts out the minute its release, still have a few wrapped item in my closet you need on your poll if its Apple i have it!
I switched to OS X when the anti-virus, firewall, and anti-spyware software together began to consume more of my computer's resources than my applications did. I wonder if Symantec and McAfee pay royalties to Microsoft. If Microsoft disappeared and users had to switch to OS X or Linux or Unix, Symantec and McAfee would go bankrupt.