Like in Gen II Forum: do you read the manual of the Prius at all? If no, why not? Have you posted here before reading the manual when having an "issue" or "problem"? If yes, why?
Considering the 3rd Gen Prius is one of the most technically advanced vehicles on the road today, I will definitely read it, cover to cover, when I take delivery.
I've read the manual, signed up on the Toyota Owner's page and search the manual online, and have posted several responses to posts with page shots from the manual. I usually read the manual cover to cover a day or two after getting the car, then a few months later, then refer to it periodically after that.
During the first few days of ownership I read the manual from cover to cover and then reread any parts that weren't a hundred clear the first time. One never knows what little tidbits of information will be found to stay out of trouble or perhaps make life easier in the future. I've done this with every car I've owned and I recommend it to all.
Pakitt, Yes, I read the owners manual & the Nav user manual. I was a screwdriver turning tech guy at one time so reading manuals has become an ingrained habit. --TK
Yup. I read each one cover to cover (skipping over the common things like airbags [assuming the new model isn't different from the last car you had] and stuff I don't need to know yet like installing a car seat). Heck, I've read both the manual and the nav manual and I don't even have the car yet!
Yes. I read the owner manuals the first night I had my 2010 Prius IV. I have referred to it several times since then.
With anything as complex as the Prius, I read the entire manual cover to cover, skipping the sections that don't pertain to me (like the information about the solar roof, since I don't have one). I also read the entire Navigation Owner's Manual (again, except for the sections that don't pertain to me - like the stuff about Bluetooth and telephones). Unfortunately, even though the Owner's Manual is over 600 pages long, there are many things which are not explained very well, and one has to simply experiment with them to find out how they work.
I've read quite a bit of it but I don't always understand it!! (I think some things have been lost in translation.) The nav manual is particularly hard to read.
I'm old fashioned. I read the manuals for everything. I agree, the nav manual is particularly hard to read. It seemed like one page referred you to another that referred you to another. It was difficult to get a sense of the system. I sat in the car with the manual and worked my way through parts of it. It isn't that difficult, but the manual didn't make it easy.
I read mind the first night cover to cover. Since then come to this site daily to learn and find out all I can about tricks of trade regarding this fine machine.
I have read all 1,100+ pages of the owner's manual, the navigation manual, and all of the other manuals that came with the car. The only other car I have ever done this with was my 2005 Prius. And I do not remember the manual being that thick....