Just curious as to whether or not there's a correlation between Apple fans and Prius owners, especially the Gen III's. I know that the side of me that loves the Apple approach to design was also the side that was drawn to the Prius and that got me wondering if the percentage of Prius owners that use Apple products was higher than the percentage of computer owners that use Apple products. NOTE: If applicable, try to select at least one answer out it each of the three pairs.
I am a Microsoft user. I would never own an over priced Apple computer. Microsoft has 90% market share for a reason.
I'm a little confused by the results... since it is possible to vote for more than one choice. I voted for all three "Apple" choices. Wouldn't it be better to just limit the survey choices to two; "I prefer Apple" and "I prefer Microsoft Windows." The results look like it's a 50-50 split so far with the first two choices, but if you add *all* of the apple votes together and compare with *all* of the microsoft votes, you get a different perspective.
I seriously can't vote because I use multiple platforms equally. I run Linux (embedded or otherwise) for my servers, NAS and router. Mac OS X 10.5.8 on my work MacBook (with VMWare Fusion for work-related Windows XP needs). Vista (64-bit), Windows 7 (64-bit), and Ubuntu 9.04 on my gaming rig, with Windows XP (32-bit) in a VirtualPC instance for 16-bit backward compatibility required by my Cessna pilot training materials (boo to King Schools for not updating that stuff). I won't buy an iPhone yet because of the carrier lock-in (too much $$ to jailbreak and unlock) - instead I use a Blackberry Curve 8900 on T-Mobile (cheapest data plan). I received an iPod Nano as a holiday gift from work 2 years ago and almost never use it (Blackberry streams to the Prius just fine w/o USB). I am strongly considering an Apple Airport Extreme wireless router though, but mostly based on it's merits vs. the brand itself.
I grew up a computer nerd and was a dyed in the wool PC guy for years. Even worked as a system admin overseeing 1000+ networked computers...moved to LA to pursue a music career. Studios here are all Mac and I had to adapt...after about 3 months of fighting it I got a mac just to get on the same page. Fast forward 5 years and I'm a total convert...can't stand windows anymore...haha.
I too wanted a Linux choice but I also use Windoze as needed. Debian, Ubuntu, Slack . . . it's all good.
both. sorry, if you want it all, its really not much of an expense to get it. after nearly $30,000 for a car, why not have both. they both offer slightly different options i use MS at work so cant avoid it. i use both at home. laptop is apple, home computer is MS... i bounce from one to the other stumbling along cursing each browser for not having the same menu structures and what not, but other than that, i still where i want to go.
I luv my mac; for me there's no comparison, but I can do both. There's macs and pc's in our house and the pc's rarely get used. My macbook pro is dual platform and I've never put Windows on it yet (and it's been 2 years.) Ask my brother though, he's PC all the way and I think a little scared of the mac platform. I say, try both if you can... and then see what you like. Macs just makes life a little easier for me. And, no - I didn't vote; didn't quite like the survey choices. P.S. Apple is priced quite competitively now adays and many might think; money well spent. ... Just like the $23k - $30k+ new Prius prices that many of us are shelling out for a new 2010.
Apple user at home, Windows 2000 (yes, still.... on a Core 2 Duo!) at work. I think those that use Apple, might be drawn more to the Prius for a *cool, I am green, saving the planet* type of approach, rather than anything else. Some Apple users know and want to look cool. Not me. Nor I think that driving a Prius will save the planet, it might help the process. There are more important and urgent things to do to save the planet. I do like the design of the Prius and that was part of my decision - but I don't think being an Apple user plays a part in that. Yes, I did think a couple of times that if Apple were to build a car, it would be a Prius, as the Prius stands out in comparison of competition (any?). But I was also drawn by the technology, the benefits it will bring me for my city drives (90% of the time), the great dashboard, the HUD and so on. I am a nerd at heart, and the Prius is also, a nice technological "toy" - but with a lot more substance than many other "cars" out there. I mean, we live in 2009, no in 1950's anymore - the Prius is for the me the car of this era.
I use both every day. I have a clear favourite, but I don't see the point of inflaming yet another OS thread. Is there anything we all agree on?
I've always been a Windows person, but got my first Mac in February. It's a MacBook Pro and I love using it. I would still never give up my Windows desktop. After being such a big iPod fan for so long, and now an iPhone fan for a while, I decided to finally check out their computers. Apple really does make some sleek, sexy, and well built machines. I don't mind paying a little extra for them. To me, they're like fine exotic sports cars. They just look and feel like quality products. Aside from being impressed with all the other Apple products I've encountered and used, I've wanted to get into iPhone app development since I first got my iPhone... and that requires using a Mac. I needed a good laptop, so I decided to make that my Mac. I don't regret it at all. It runs very smoothly and hasn't given me a single problem. MacBook Pro + projector = awesome portable fun! If it weren't for all the good games that come out for Windows, and the fact that 90% of the computers out there run Windows, and all the software I've gotten used to that is only for Windows, etc... then maybe I would give it up for a full-time Mac... But why not enjoy the best of both worlds? As far as there being a correlation between Mac users and Prius drivers...there probably is. Not to say that all Mac users are Prius drivers, or vice versa... but I think the likelihood is pretty high, considering the small percentage of computer users that Mac makes up.
Pre retirement, 25 years in IT mainframes, minis, PC's, Novell and MS PC networks. Retired and continued the good fight keeping Windows running at home. Anti virus, anti popups, anti this and that, run the clean up, fix the...... Moved to Apple iMac 5 years ago and after a month of some confusion, realized it just worked and I could just use it. Kept trying to find things to "fix". Have three iMac's in the house now for myself, my wife and the grandkids when they swoop in. No fuss, no worries, just use them. Just like our 2001, 2007 and now 2010 Prius. Things that work. A joy. PasPrius
Was a Windows user my whole life until about 6 years ago when I got my first iBook. I'm eternally grateful I made that purchase because it let me see how incredible the Mac and OS X is. Love my Mac, love my iPhone, and hate AT&T (and when I use a Windows machine now I cringe, my blood pressure elevates, and I get in a bad mood.)
Neither one reigns supreme over the other. Everyone knows that both Windows computers and Mac computers have their ups and downs...otherwise there wouldn't be an argument to make. DUHHH....
Possibly, but I set it up this way for a reason. The percentage of Mac owners in the computer world is signicantly lower than the percentage of iPhone owners in the cell phone world so I wanted to track both separately. The general Apple/Windows choices are to track general allegiance to one particular company. I'll update the original post to try to make things clearer.
Whenever my blood pressure is too low, I fire up a Windows emulator, let it patch itself for a hour or two, and then try to remember why I started it up again ... Oh yea, to get the anti-virus reminders for the software Microsoft Windows makes necessary. Bob Wilson
I too switched to Apple about two years ago after 25 years doing IT most of it on MS products. I still use a PC every day for work but did not want to keep using a (at that time, two years ago) five year old operating system Windows XP. I tried Vista pre-release and it sucked so I went to Apple. Wow. I had used others Apples in the past, fixed many an Apple but really did not use it that much. Speed is a big factor... With no anti virus software needed I get that 1/4 of my cpu back that the anti virus had been using. I also get all of that time back needed to keep an anti virus working/updated. Two years later... with two users each having a desktop and laptop we had one problem..... Word (a Microsoft product!) would not start! Time machine (Apple's free backup software) fixed it in five minutes. As not a gen 3 owner, I did not vote.