I am cheap... give me Microsoft. Actually I do run Ubuntu on one of my computers but don't use it much.
I like Linux but all my computers run XP. I will be installing Fedora on my main computer in the next month or two. The only thing holding me back is some hardware and software not supported in Linux. The software I think is covered since I can run it in a vmware XP virtual machine.
Actually if you're gonna list microsoft the way you did then you should list apple as "I bought the hype..Apple"
For the record, I own/use 5 computers and have 3 more computer like devices. Of those computers I use the following OS's: OSX: 6 (3 apples, 1 iphone, 1 ipod touch, 1 apple tv) XP: 2 (1 Work PC, and a bootcamp/vmware installation on my work macbook pro) Linux: 2 (1 work server, vmware installation on PC, but two different versions, one to match the work server SUSE 10.3, and one for a customer site (some version of redhat). The reason why I prefer OSX is I prefer Unix to windows (stability issues, and control from the command line), but am lazy and like the UI. Plus, I can run Microsoft office and unix develop at the same time. I use windows on my laptop because some corp software (project tracking) requires windows XP. I use windows on the other machine because I can get someone else to deal with security BS that way. Apple TV: I do not care about the OS, but rather like the end to the DVD explosion. IPOD/IPhone....Well I think it is the best portabe device out there Oh, and I run one version of Prius OS
My fiances computer is a windows box and I cracked up when I saw that my mac represented her computer on the network as an old, round CRT monitor with a BSOD on it!
What?? No one has mentioned Windows 7 RC? Time's running out if you're interested in the free trial. Welcome to Windows 7 Roy
I've built all my own computers, with motherboards that are widely supported. The primary work machine runs XP Pro SP3, due to a client requiring some odd security software to their VPN My primary browsing machine is running Ubuntu with the Firestarter firewall, and NoScript addon for Firefox
Linux guy from kernel v1.0 provided by Slackware, downloaded to 60+ floppies. I worked around really hard-core techies who built Linux-powered supercomputers from blades and high-speed networks. At meetings I noticed an increase in Macs. Their reasoning: OS X is BSD Unix on the bottom, so they know how to fix anything but, unlike Linux, hardly anything has to be; everything just works. The GUI was nice, compared to versions available for Linux at the time. A house burglar stole my personal Linux laptop (the day after disk backup, really) in November, 2004. Took as a Sign from God, bought desktop and laptop from Apple. Will have to upgrade when OX X Leopard is no longer getting security updates (Snow Leopard will no longer support PowerPC processors). David Pogue's "The Missing Manual" books for OS X help find easy ways to do what is sometimes tedious in Linux. The only frown I have had was replacing a HD in the laptop. Two new screwdrivers (teensy torx and philips), 22 screws of several different sizes, need the directions specific to the exactly specific model. I think HD replacement in my Thinkpad at work was two screws.
Big improvement over the other poll! However, though I agree with the sheep comment, a fair poll should have no value judgments built in.
I run Linux on 4 machines that run Folding@Home (its a protien folding simulation through Stanford Univercity looking at why protiens fold improperly which is the cause of cancers). I run Vista on my HTPC and my wifes laptop. I run Windows7 RC on my desktop and my sons computer.
OS X Leopard on an iMac at home, and Linux on the ASUS netbook for travel. My home is Bill-free. I don't know what kind of OS the kindle runs, but it can't be anything from Microsoft because it doesn't crash.
I hate computers in general. I'm sick of insane DRM (digital restrictions management), 500MB "frameworks", vendor lock-in <cough>iPod</cough>, and all the other crap that passes for shippable software and hardware these days. When I have to use one (at work), it's Solaris on a bigass Sun box or RHEL x64 (my scientific computing apps use RAM like there's no tomorrow).
We use a lot of Win XP Embedded and XP Pro on our business machines, so it goes to say that we use a lot of Win XP Pro SP3, on 3 laptops and 3 desktops. We've even rewritten 2 of our laptops from Vista, since it is so susceptible to bluescreens...reminded me of Win ME. Firefox is our browser of choice. I'd like to take the time this winter to explore Linux...I do like alternatives.
People who own content have a right to try to protect it from unauthorized copying. And we have a right not to buy it. ... Now, when Sony was putting rootkits on DVDs, that installed on peoples' computers, that was criminal and malicious damage to property, and Sony should have been sued right out of business and their management put in prison. But garden-variety copy protection is their right. I won't buy a game CD or DVD that requires me to put the disc in the computer to run it, but I won't complain about companies that do it. It's their right to do copy protection, and my right not to buy their product.
+n. But just the Intel MacBook Pro. The MacBook Pro with 15 inch screen is plenty good for work and home use. OS-wise, I am at 10.5.8.
For work I run OS X with Virtualbox and a virtualized XP inside for those pesky Winblows only apps and Linux/FreeBSD servers at home.
I've been a mainstream MS OS user for decades now - our computers at home (2 netbooks, 2 desktops, plus kibble) all run XP Home or Pro, SP3... BUT I foresee problems ahead. I detest Vista - DRM is not security, it is unwanted intrusion which cripples the speed and useability of the system - and can see that 'Windows 7' (original name, huh? ) is just an SP for Vista, to try and speed up and fix things... So when MS finally kills off XP I suppose I will have to get a few friends to come round and get me up to speed on some flavour of Linux. Not looking forward to it, but it will have to be done - MS have bet their shirt on the mantra that "Security = We Are Big Brother Now", and I won't go with that!