The last two days I've driven 200 mile round trips each day, and by this morning had 52.x mpg by the MFD. I usually find my fuel economy is about 59 mpg on this highway route, driving about 63 mph. I figured the wind was the reason, but it was actually a nail. The tire only had 9 psi this morning when a kind driver pulled up alongside to let me know. No doubt the tire had been inflated a bit more yesterday, but not enough to prevent damage and need for replacement. 53 mpg on a bad tire. Incidentally, I noticed a number of differences in the car, but none was flagrant enough to to trip my meter and get out and see what the problem is: * the drop in MPG * the steering wheel was rotated a couple of degrees driving straight * less than usual speed coasting down hills I am used to * road noise while making a turn * VSC light on turns. (yeahh, I know. This *could* be a thread about VSC saving my bacon, but that is less interesting)
I too have been arrogant enough to believe that the TPMS light must be defective. I saw the light, ignored it, continued driving for a few more miles, stopped at a 7-11 for a soda, and when I returned from the store I noticed that the front right tire was flat. From then on, I learned not to ignore things like this. I was lucky that it did not occur quickly and that I was in a parking lot.
If you had wone one of these during a Prius Event trivia contest: You'd know that the 2004 Prius didn't come w/ the tpms option ... nor leather ... nor backup camera ... yup. those were primitive times. They even had casset players!
True. I really miss not having a backup camera. The heated leather seats were an add on. As for TPMS I have to check every week or so. It's not too far from the cave.