When i start her, the start button flashes amber, and seems I cant shut down the car for a few minutes,then today got a parking brake warning error... anyone get this? The (ready) light never comes on foot is on brake? Funny thing I have only got it when i am home parked on the grass, its very strange?
Funny thing, this just happened to my wife the other day. Now, she has a tendency to do things but not know what she did, so there's no way to know for sure what happened. She pulled me out of the bathroom saying that something funny was happening, and she was right. I never quite caught the message on the MFD, but I took my foot off the brake and pushed the power button until everything shut off. It's worked fine ever since. I was not able to power down by holding the power button, so, something was definitely askew. My only other thought, if I wasn't able to get things back to normal, was to disconnect the 12V battery and do a hard reset. Anyway, she's had no problem since. Related to the twitocalypse perhaps?
Thank goodness it has happened to someone else, the few times it has happened it was on grass in my yard, which might mean nothing it took me a few minutes to shut here down it refused, LOL like a spoiled child, only one time did i get the parking brake message, and that could have been from me pushing everything to shut her down, I did find if you wait a few minutes then hold the start button it shuts down.
The expected service life of the 12V battery is ~4 years. Long exposures to very high and low ambient temps shorten that somewhat. Erratic behavior like you are seeing is typically a leading indicator of approaching 12V battery failure. IIRC, the Toyota battery installed goes for ~$200. Many folks who have replaced the 12V battery consider the Optima Yellow Top better than OEM, and now on sale for $163: 12v Toyota Prius Auxilary Battery with installation kit and free shipping Here is Hobbit's installation guide: Prius 12V swap There is also the possibility that the grounding wire from the battery has loosened or become corroded where it connects to the chassis. It is easily checked under the floor boards/storage box in the hatch area on the passenger side.
Thanks I was thinking the same, I will take it in for a oil change and have it checked, love to get the other battery but i am all thumbs
I will keep that in mind since it always has happened on the grass, I close on a new home on the 28th will see if it has a effect on it
Check out this thread:http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...oting/63358-brake-related-warning-lights.html
Battery self-test procedures (no tools needed) are given here: PriusOnline.com • View topic - how to put 12V battery in sleeping mode?