Many of you don't know, but we've been spending the last couple of weeks closing on a new house and moving the PriusChat Empire to it's new home in Charlotte, North Carolina. After a week of water leaks and other homeowner-related joys, my Macbook hard drive crashed on me yesterday. No worries, though. Installed a new one last night and ran my Time Machine backup from about 10 minutes before the hard drive went kaput. Now I'm good to go. Back to our regularly scheduled PriusChat programming!
I'll give you a call when we come through the area again. We'll be there soon to pick up a few things we left.
I couldn't help but note in the PCD forum, that you didn't "take the bait" ... regarding the "house warming" idea ... sooo ... I take it this means, "right ... hahahahahah !! " I went to google street level view maps and checked out the down town area of your new city ... it's very similar to our down town in Kalispell ... nice and historic.
I CANNOT believe you are so sanguine about losing 10 minutes of PC. For some posters, that is 20 posts of their life!
Someday we need to see a thread titled, "You put WHAT in a Prius?" A set of funny photos of unusual things folks have carried in a Prius. For example, we don't have a Prius haulin' hay ... or other unusual stuff inside ... electric motorcycles ... critters ... undergraduates ... ham radio setups ... small business 'stuff' ... 12 ft. of folding ladder ... audio and light equipment for a show ... Bob Wilson
What? You mean the chaos that ensued in your absence was not normal? Bah! Seriously, congrats on the move and sorry to hear it wasn't as smooth as it could've been.
I hope the PriusChat servers are running entirely on environmentally-friendly electricity. Solar and/or wind, right? Or, human pedal-power.