In the hands of an artist, a Les Paul can sing! Thank You to the man that brought that sound to us all! Every time a musician plucks a note, you WILL be remembered like no other!!!!
I remember listening to Chester and Lester in the car on vacation years ago. My father has always been a big guitar fan.
Paul was in on the early use of tape in the recording industry, and was probably the first to make multi track recordings. Remember "How High the Moon" with Mary Ford? Bing Crosby, by the way, was first to use tape on the radio, and made millions owning Ampex. He also was first in frozen orange juice (Minute Maid). And he could sing a little, too.
no matter what kind of music you listen to, your favorite song, band, etc... in one way or another that artist owes a debt of gratitude for the contributions and insight of Les Paul. may he rest in peace. the world is a better place because of him