Starting Problem I have a 05 with package 6. I received the car in late December. During the first month or so of ownership, I had a couple of occasions where when starting the car, it would not go into gear, either drive or reverse. After switching on and off a couple of times, the “ready†would show in the display and all would be fine. As the problem did not reoccur for a few months I simply attributed it to my lack of understanding of the vehicle. I thought that perhaps my foot wasn’t on the brake when pushing start. Well yesterday the problem reoccurred. And this time I was far more knowledgeable with the car and I’m certain that I was doing everything correctly. I had to turn the car off and then try and re-start it about five times before the car would engage in reverse. Either the car would not accept drive or reverse, or it would go into neutral. Finally, the “ready†light came on and all was well. There were no further problems since then. I have scheduled a service appointment for Monday, although the dealership said that if there were no “warning lights†chances are that a code would not show. To their credit, they did want to see the car. Has anyone had this happen, or does anyone have some insight to the nature of this problem. Thanks, Alan
It happened to me once 25,000 miles ago. I'm not sure but I think I read somewhere that this can happen if you jump the gun on hitting the start button, like maybe, about the same time that you depress the brake pedal.
Is this the hang-up that's mentioned in the knowledge base? Check it out and see if it matches your situation. I've never had that happen so that's about all the advice I can give...
Hey Alan, You've had your Prius long enough that I would NOT attribute it to "not understanding the car". This has all the warning signs that something really IS wrong. That said - I have one question - What are the environment conditions in your area? Are you in snow freezing or desert hot or anything? My Prius has NEVER acted like you describe. I say let the dealer (Doctor) have a looksie. Yoda
Hey Yoda: The last time this happened it was mild and rainy with temperatures about 55 degrees f. We were in a motel and the car was parked outside all night. I cannot remember the weather conditions when previous incidents occurred. I live in the Pacific Northwest, in southern Oregon. Summers are hot and dry, winters are usually wet and cool, although nothing like the folks up north get. Galaxee, thanks for the link, I don't think that's the exact problem, although it's possible. The car goes to the dealer on Monday and I'll report back their findings including any possible codes. Working around electronic equipment all of my life leaves me a little skeptical of them actually finding the cause of an intermittent problem. Thanks, Alan
I've done this exact same thing when I've not pressed the gas pedal and hit the start button. I usually just shut the car off and start over. Next time it happens, I'll see what the state of the "READY" light is.
Car can only shift into N if you are not in READY. So, if power button shows amber LED, and READY is not displayed in combo meter, and pressing the power button while holding down the brake does nothing, you are exhibiting the symptoms of Hang on Ig-On. Best way out of it is to press the power button without pressing the brake. Then you can power up normally. The problem doesn't occur frequently enough or stay long enough to show a dealer. I thought this might be a glitch with SKS, since the HV will re-verify the FOB when it shifts power mode from Ig-On to READY, but the immobilizer icon did not show when it happened to me last week.
Dan Man, I think you're right on the money. And I might add, as you usually are. I just came back from the dealership and as expected, they were not able to find any codes or problems. At the very least, the problem has now been documented. Thanks, Alan
That article I linked to described the ig-on hang... maybe give it a good read-over and see how to prevent it in the future
I am not 100% positive, but I believe at least once I did get the Ig-On hang even when pressing the power button down a half second. I belive it is a timing glitch with communications between the HV ECU and the immobilizer. There's a lot of stuff that goes on when you attempt to go to READY, part of which is to be sure someone isn't trying to tamper with the security.