You know, whenever I see someone complaining about their tax money going to some government program, I certainly hope that they don't have kids that go to public school. Because my taxes have been going to pay for public schools for the last 20 years and I have no kids. I want to stop paying that part of my taxes. And I want a refund for the past 20 years. And for that matter, I haven't used the fire department in the past 20 years either. Maybe I can get a reimbursement for that. Ridiculous right? Yes.
I completely agree about the Fusion Hybrid. The car got great reviews and has a ton of horsepower despite some mediocre mileage numbers. But the kicker for me is seeing 2001 Prius' on the road... There are no Fusions. I'm not going to pay more than I'm looking to spend to be Fords' guinea pig.
Slight problem - LA has like a 50% dropout rate & I think last time I heard, our schools / kids education lack quite a bit compared to the rest of the world. Great work gov't - Not to mention the roads. Hard to avoid all the craters that exist in LA. Thanks gov't Back to topic - I'm in the same boat as some of you - now I'll have to wait for this "false" demand to settle down before buying so I can get a better deal. Whenever the gov't tries to "help", it ends up being a double edged sword. At least I could take advantage of the home buying tax credit - thanks for that gov't :rockon: Everything else they do - massive fail
Yeah, I'll admit I'm a bit grumpy. Finally decided to bite the bullet on a 2010, but nobody's got anything in their inventory and everybody is bundling all sorts of worthless add-ons on top of MSRP for the incoming inventory. I'll just keep limping along on my failing transmission for now, I guess. I'm not paying MSRP (or above!) unless my current car genuinely dies.
Good point. Very good point. Makes me sick. I don't think my tax dollars should ever go towards buying someone else a car.
That's a good point. If you got $4500 off you could easily sell the car and make a few grand instantly. I would have bought it off someone flipping it if they offered even $500 cheaper than the dealer. I hear you man It's almost like bait-and-switch (I know it's not ....). I look on the internet and the Prius package II is $22,000. You go to the dealer and they've added all this BS + tint ($300 - I can have it tinted locally for $180 and get the exact tint I want, etc) + XM radio (I actually did want that) and now its $24,500. So I'm paying more than a package III price for a package II. SIGH. And they only came down $250. I wouldn't have bought it, but they gave me a ridiculously large amount for my trade in (which I *feel* was on its last legs.)
Whenever I see a post like yours, I wonder if the writer has any understanding of economics. Funding schools, muni services, libraries are one thing - we all have access and we've all paid our share of taxes for them for decades. CnC comes out of thin air, targets some buyers by chance from all levels of society (I have a co-worker making $80K who took advantage of CnC - should folks making less subsidize him?) and puts them in vehicles that may only get 1, 2 or 4 mpg more than the clunker they traded in. I might go along with your POV regarding CnC if we had the money (tax revenues), but we don't. We're increasing our deficit/debt like mad. If we say these "values" are what we collectively want to support, then we ought to collectively be willing to pay for them NOW. It seems disingenuous to me to say we value them, but a future generation should pay for them. IMO, that shows a lack of values. "Yes."