While the C4C has its pros and glad clunker owners are able take advantage of the incentive. However, us non-clunker owner/buyer is getting pushed on the sideline watching dealers selling firm at MSRP. Take Dianne at Manhattan Beach Toyota for example, for the longest time, she has been offering small discount off MSRP for us Priuschat members until the demand from this C4C surges. Can't blame her for that, it is all supply and demand. Why give away profits when the demand is so high. It just sucks for us non-clunker owner buyer. Guess we have to wait until they run out of money again before getting a decent deal.
The C4C program has caused a run on buying new cars. The dealers are actually running out of cars and are begging the manufactures of certian models to send more. Because of the higher demand for these cars and a lower supply the dealers are asking for (and getting) higher prices for them.
I'd be willing to bet a beer (or beverage of choice) that it wasn't Diannes choice to stop offering the discount.
The C4C demand is already tailing off some. If you wait another three months or so you should be able to score a Prius with a $500-$1000 discount. Be patient you will be able to negotiate a deal down the road.
There are only two groups of people that C4C is good for: 1. Broke-nice person people who can't afford a new car. I bet in 3-6 months there will be a ton of cheap cars on the market because people got themselves into cars they can't afford. Just like the housing/mortgage problems. 2. Anyone who works for car dealerships. Me? I don't fall into either group. So I see my tax dollars go to pay for someone else to get a lot of money for their car. Thanks!
You seem to know alot about who or why people might use the C4C program. Must be nice to be all knowing.
You're right, not everyone who traded in a clunker is "broke-nice person". I apologize. I just don't see why my tax dollars should pay for someone else to buy a vehicle.
In terms of sound economic policy, I just don't see the C4C as part of a decent long-term plan. It is part of an immediate economic stimulus, and it certainly has an effect. The effect, of course, is to encourage people to spend (one of the reasons the entire economy is in its current condition). The better way to encourage people to dump their clunkers and buy fuel efficient models? Start taxing gasoline. This is a fairer way to apportion costs and benefits. The problem, of course, is with the folks who can't afford to buy a new car -- and these are the same people who can't afford to pay more for gas. (These also are the very same people who are smart enough NOT to buy under the C4C program, because they'd be buying a better used car if they could afford it. They couldn't find $10,000 to add to $4,500 to buy the cheapest possible new car, and they couldn't qualify for the car loan, either.)
Amen brother! The govt finds yet another way to screw the responsible middle class citizen who bought a house with a loan they can afford and a safe/more fuel efficient/non-gross-polluting car. And to top it off, a lot of the CARS money is being shipped right out of the country via foreign auto companies. I'm no lover of the big 3, but I'd rather have my hard earned tax money fix the problems at home instead of in Japan, Korea, etc.
The C4C program is effective in getting people to buy cars during this economy. However, I see several drawbacks: 1. While some of the clunkers truly deserve to be off the road but in reality, by getting rid of all these lower price cars (while still in good running condition), the lower income folks will have a hard time finding an affordable car. 2. It takes alot of energy to "junk" and recycle the clunkers. More energy, more fuel needed, more emission. 3. Spending our kids money and getting ourselves in the hole even deeper. I sure hope the program will stop after this additional 2 billions.
Oh fricking wah. Everything that one person can't have is bad and evil. THAT attitude is why we are where we are. And NO, I didn't use C4C AND I got rid of an SUV that got 13mpg with a fair trade. I have nothing against people who used it. Let's not act high and mighty...this is why people hate hybrid drivers.
You are dead wrong. #3, people who wanted a new car, had an old car, aren't broke, and aren't headed for default. I don't fall into either group, but I traded in my old 99 Caddy for a Prius. I was going to buy a new car in the spring, why not get a brand new one now? Did you go to public schools, do you drive on public roads, go to a state system school, utilize the library, ever need a policeman, been to a public pool...I could go on with programs that are subsidized by tax $$. There will always be people getting over their heads in debt, always car lots with repo's on them. How are the car dealer employees making out, other than a 2-3 month surge on sales?
Yep, that cracked me up about it too. Is there any published data on which cars sold the most via C4C? I'd bet Honda and Toyota are in the top 2 spots. I was reading the other C4C thread and saw how the government has started refusing some C4C payments, resulting in dealers being stuck to foot a $3500-$4500 bill. Ouch. Totally agree with you about the responsible middle class getting screwed.
Hey folks, if you want to debate the political issues behind the CARS program, please take it over to FHOP. Bryan
OK, if you send me your email address I will sent you the actual cost to you for the C4C if you tell me what you actual paid in taxes last year. My part of in this equals about 28 cents. Steve
I'm wondering about that too. People who were so tight with their money can now all of sudden afford a 25-30k car for which they only get $4,500 discount? Either that or our tax dollars are going back to all the well-off people who can afford them anyway but just didn't have to get a new car.
I suspect some of these Prius buyers are "flipping the car" to make couple of grands by selling it as the demand for Prius is drove high.
I wrote a check for my 10 Prius. I just saw a good deal on a car and I jumped on it. Don't get me started on wasteful government programs,that are costing the tax payers 10's of billions of dollars each year.
I haven't asked for a loan from a bank but from what I hear, loan requirements are still sky high. I am not a C4C buyer and the demand it has caused is frustrating to me. However, I think it is a great program. It actually does something to reduce our dependence on oil. It does stimulate the economy. Yes, I would rather the money be funneled into American car companies but as we all agree, Toyota makes a fantastic product and until our car companies catch up, the market will tell them what they are doing wrong.
I was originally looking at a four cylinder Malibu 2LT with the six speed automatic transmission early this year. The whole GM Chrysler bail out fiasco is what made me go negative on American cars. The Fusion Hybrid was four grand more than I wanted to pay and that was the only reason it wasn't considered.