:lol: no prob... i'll just sit and wait in the forum bushes with my posting rifle for the right time... buzz lightyear.... lololololololol
Anxiously observing a summer meteor shower from a cozy perch high on a Sierra mountaintop. Sensing the quiet stillness as twilight rips away at that which had drawn together the Heavens and Earth - Enfeebled, I regress to my tellurian form, complete with its bounden shawl of mortal insignificance . . . otherwhile, gleefully looking forward to the same lesson next year and next.
A few of the things I like: - reviving random old threads - walking (everywhere and whenever possible) - travelling - the company of my friends - getting engrossed in a book - chocolate - tea - PI - living within walking distance of our local Main Street - independent bookstores (what few are actually left) - really good DVD commentaries - a wicked sense of humour - occasionally using the "proper English" spelling of words just for the hell of it - beer every now and then - San Francisco - Miyajima, Japan - baseball (yes, even watching it on TV) - PriusChat (of course) - This particular smiley: :spider:
I like: - sleeping in - laughing till your stomach hurts - a glass of red wine - feeling proud of your children and the look on their faces when they see that - a big juicy hamburger - a cadillac margarita - top shelf, on the rocks w/ salt - good conversation with friends - starting a new book by my favorite author - how my muscles feel after a good work-out - singing along to a song and actually managing sometimes to be on key - MUFFINS!
I like most people. I like most days. I like to walk my dogs. I like to sit with my cats. I like to watch crime shows. I like to listen to music. I like to read. I like to wear chucks. I like to do nothing. I like to like.
Hiking in the mountains of British Columbia. Snorkeling in bathwater-warm ocean water. artichokes pretty girls J.S. Bach Ragtime Scuba diving But most of all I like kitty cats.
- Raindrops on roses - Whiskers on kittens - Bright copper kettles - Warm woolen mittens - Brown paper packages tied up with strings
I like reviving old threads...and seeing old friends...and hangin' with my old dog... Hell...I better like OLD, 'cause I'm gettin' there FAST!
I like big butts, I can not lie, you other brothers can't deny. (Okay, maybe not, but dang it, th at was the first thing I thought of when I read the previous post...)
I like muffins !!! (the homemade kind with no added sugar and lots of fiber) I like readheads!!! (the female kind with no added padding and lots of fire)
I like: my hubby,speed, cars in general, "Eleanor" in particular, NASCAR, LSU football .....not in any particular order!!!! (except for my hubby)....
-I like my Prius (of course) -I like my husband and kids (usually) -I like it when my cat purrs around my head in the morning -I like my dog's ears, they are so soft and silky -I like Mexican food, but it has to be good -I will never pass up tequila in any form -I like chocolate and root beer but not at the same time -I like walking along the ocean and closing my eyes so I can listen and smell -I like reruns of Arrested Development and anything else that makes me laugh out loud -I like hearing kids laugh and sing -I like pretty much all animals and I have a special place in my heart for horses and birds -I like moss...Don't ask me why, I am just fascinated by the variety of them -I like Billy Wilder movies -I like chocolate -I like having a cat nestled near me when I am reading or watching TV -I like old hippies -I like to read books from the library; in fact, I prefer old ones to new ones -I like my siblings and I would probably rather hang out with them than just about anyone -I like to read about scary diseases and then imagine that I have them, which probably explains my profession -I love to dance and will probably never stop doing it -I love to make fun of stupid things -I like to lie on my back and watch the clouds -I like my friends at PriusChat, even DavePH