Get some pix in the morning and post them in the gallery. I'm sure you're excited. It's been a LONG wait <g>
Yay Beacher!!! They will do that- my husband often gets stuck doing Prius pre-delivery inspections (here they require state safety inspections on all new cars) late at night when the truck comes in. Nice for new Prius owners, not so nice for me since he's usually late when a truck comes in. Hope you enjoy it
Everything went as smooth as silk. Our salesman, Tom, really knew the car and did a great job explaining everything to my wife. Speaking of my wife, here she is with her new car!
Gorgeous! The car looks pretty good too <g>. Now we'll wait for your evaluation - mileage, performance, comfort, stability, etc. Enjoy!!!
We got ours! We oredered it on May 7th. It came a week ago Wednesday and we picked it up this past Thursday night - quicker than we expected. We got a BI Package #3 for just over $24K. We were the last costomers of the night and the financeer didn't even try to thrust any additional costs on us. He was all bent on closing out for the evening. I drove it home to Hoboken from the dealer and it tracked 55 mpg! I just drive 7 miles a day to work - straight through the Holland Tunnel and over the Brooklyn Bridge to Red Hook, Brooklyn. Yesterday a guy in an electric contractors truck came up next to me and honked his horn. I thought, "road rage," at first. He motioned for me to roll down my window, (ad it in climate control - very nice). He yelled, "How much did you pay for that car?" I showed him two fingers and four fingers and mouthed "twenty four." He smiled, waved and drove on. Today we take our first dive up the Hudson to meet friends for dinner. I couldn't be happier although I'm concerened about the article aqbout the NHTSA inquiry about the "sudden stalls." I have a call in to my dealer about that...
Thanks Dr. Bob! And congrats to Hobiecat! I've got a bunch of thoughts (almost all positive ones), but a summary will have to wait until later this weekend. Birthday party for my daughter today, so we are busy, busy busy.
You certainly got the best color, which according to the published color chart, will not be available '06. The new color, burgandy red I believe, will not be quite as deep. If that were my car I'd be saying, "Clean that handprint off the car!" I have owned many cars and have been a clean freak with only one, a flagship Mercedes that I got right off the truck in 1980. I did not anticipate that my Prius would produce similar results. It is not quite the same, the Mercedes was really too expensive for me to buy. I was a slave to the car. So far, I don't feel that way, I am just expressing my appreciation for the Prius. It is not quite as beautiful as my MB was, or maybe its beauty is just a different kind. Anyway, since I am now retired it's not a burden to spend a little time with with my car.