I just looked at the EPA portion of the sticker. Under the estimated annual fuel cost it says "based on 15,000 miles at $1.90 per gallon." !!???!!! $1.90 a gallon!!???? What is this? Retro to the 90's? "Dude...have you heard about the "Millenium Bug?""
if you look careful again at your window sticker you will also see it says "Your Actual mileage will vary depending on how you drive & maintain your vehicle" If you think the EPA is all knowing & flawless, check this out: sep 2009 Car & Driver, page 122, article is "THE TRUTH A8OUT EPA NUMB3RS" ". . . Just 18 of the EPA's 17,000 employees work in the automobile testing department in Ann Arbor, Michigan, examining 200 to 250 vehicles a year, or roughly 15 percent of new models. As to the other 85 percent, the EPA takes automakers at their word w/o any testing, accepting submitted results as accurate. Two-thirds of new vehicles the EPA does test are selected randomly, and the remaining third are done for specific reasons . . . but candidates for scrutiny usually involve new technologies, new manufacturers, class fuel-economy champs, or cars that barely avoid a gas guzzler tax. . . " Our government is full of stupid people, that is why Amtrak, the Post Office, & Social Security Office are all bankrupt (or nearly so). Would you trust these people to run General Motors or a National Healthcare Plan??? I DON'T THINK SO. The only things our government does well is move military assets around the world and dropping military ordinances on a dime. Everything else our government is inept at, and yes, that includes thinking that gas is still $1.90 a gallon.
So what do you want them to do change the gas price on the sticker every time gas prices change. That would give valuable information.:wacko: It doesn't matter what the price per gallon is as long as it is the same for all cars of a model year. It's to be used to compare different models and for that purpose it is valid information. All it is telling you is that if you drive 15,000 miles per year and if the average gas price for that year is $1.90 then your fuel cost for the Prius will be $570. The cost per gallon is no more important than the number of miles driven. You don't look at it and say, "Oh no!! I drive less than that so this is useless to me". All stupid people are not in government. Not by a long shot.
yes those EPA numbers are obviously for comparative purposes. I work for the FAA so I shouldn't have said all stupid people work for the government, after all, I am capable of clearing 40 aircraft to take off and 40 aircraft to land in an hour. (simulators only, my airport is not that busy!!). What I mean is almost all of our government agencies are either highly corrupt or highly wasteful, I'm sure the EPA is no exception.
The U.S. national average price was that or lower from about Thanksgiving 2008 until late March 2009. For a sample graph, try Gas Buddy.
No, what you meant to say was that you're against health care reform and don't want government doing anything except bombing people - you were quite clear. And while I respect your opinion and would value the debate in another context, if we drag politics into our car forum, it will do nothing but create animosity and ruin our ability to talk about our cars. So please, let's just not go there, ok? :focus:
Each window sticker is different too....I actually saw a 2010 Camry sticker estimating the amount of money spent on gas if gas were $4.90...