I need help deciding on a name for my 2005 Millenium Silver package 5 Prius with leather interior. My next door neighbors are a couple who have dubbed my car "Sparky". Although cute, I feel that that it is too wimpy of a name for such a resourceful vehicle. Some thoughts that I had were: "Newton" in honor of Isaac Newton. "Silver" in honor of the Lone Ranger. "Victoria" because she rules. "Trigger" in honor of Roy Rogers. "DaVinci"...not for the code, but because the design is so ingenius. "Grasshopper" a tribute to the Kung Fu TV show "Socrates" because my Prius teachess me wisdom "Bonnie"..my wife thinks my car is female and that is what she suggested "Elizabeth" because she rules and is so pure. "Kato"...he of the "Green Hornet" fame. I'm open to all suggestions. Herb
There ya go! Done deal if you want to follow the advice of a guy I saw on television who's been married for 80 years........"yes, dear". ....different story if you bought a VW beetle (no-brainer on that one given your first name). :lol:
i think Trigger is cool. i'm a science geek and named my car after an organic chemistry term... electrophile: a positively charged atom- which due to its charge has affinity for electron sources. "Electron lover"
We had a family discussion and my daughter came up with the brilliant name "Dora" - as in "Dora the Explorer." I thought that was quite fitting since we now do quite a bit of exploring using the NAV system.
I named mine Priuscilla, where the 'u' is mute. Since the voice coming out of the dashboard is female, a female name seemed appropriate and "Priscilla" is the name that uses as many of the letters as possible in the name "Prius."
[font=Comic Sans MS:4f6f938598]I have a silver BC and I call mine the "Silver Cloud". Rolls Royce once also made a Silver Cloud.[/font:4f6f938598]
I vote for DaVinci =) Taking a name out of Rolls Royce's list is a good idea Bill! Silver Spur? Silver Shadow? Silver Ghost? Silver Spirit? Silver Wraith? Flying Spur? "Emily" the nickname given to the Spirit of Ecstasy that adorns each RR's grille?
I like Silver Ghost, Silver Wraith, Silver Spirit and Silver Shadow, since they could be used as a nod towards the silence of the Prius' stealth mode.
We have a 05 white one and a coworker said it looked like an egg. The name stuck. Now my whole family affectionaly calls it "THE EGG"
Heya, I call my white beauty "Triple-T" which stands for "Tomorrows Technology Today". Feel free to copy. 8) Yoda