My 2010 IV is on order, and despite reading many posts on the smart key I am still trying to figure out a solution to my problem of how to lock and/or unlock my Prius when I am surfing. Traditionally, I have always put my car key in my wetsuit key pocket. I am sure that is not an option with an electronic smart key. Another option for me in the past was to hide the key somewhere on the exterior of the car, but it does not sound like that is a solution with the smart key because wouldnt that merely allow anyone to open the car since the smart key would be in close proximity to the exterior of the car? Is there a way to use a manual key that I could immerse in water? Is my only solution to disengage the smart key system and then hide the key somewhere after I lock it up?
This is not an elegant solution but it would work. Each smart key has a manual key inserted in it that you can remove easily. This manual key will unlock the doors but not start the car. You can remove the battery from the smart key (some have said just wrap it in foil?) and hide it inside the car. If you don't disable it by removing the battery or putting foil around it you can't lock the car with it inside. With that done you can take the manual key with you, use it to lock/unlock the door, and get the smart key out of hiding when you get back. BTW I the manual says you can start the car with the smart key even it its battery is dead (or removed) by holding the Toyota emblem side next to the start button.
Deleted.. while I was typing while someone beat me to it. I was thinking about some water tight box that you can put on your waist or arm. Looks like Amazon already sells them.
The general solution has been to leave the key fob in the car and lock the door with the mechanical key. This exact question has been asked and answered several times before: Google Tom
Thanks for the information. This whole thing might sound like a minor issue but I surf 5-7 days a week, so I definitely need a solution. The waterproof pouch could work, but it would be really bulky inside of my wetsuit. Not the best solution. I was not aware of the manual key - that is what I need. So I think I just need the best/easiest solution for leaving the smart key inside the car while I lock it from the exterior. I would think that some sort of metal box might do the trick in order to stop the electronic transmission of the signals to the car - I'd rather have something relatively permanent like that as opposed to wrapping it in foil every time I head out. Any other ideas of how I could keep the key from transmitting a signal from the inside of the car?
I'll try it in a few days and post. I normally just leave the fob in the car because I have an alarm. If someone breaks into the car the horn go goes and the starter kill will kick in. Most people break into the car to steal things so don't keep valuables in plain sight.
I have ordered the alarm also (VIP RS3200) If it does go off and the starter kill feature activates how do you reset it so you can use your car again? If I set it off by accident and the horn is honking, lights flashing, etc. how do I shut that down.