This morning as I went back to my car from the coffee shop, I failed to unlock the driverside door with keyless entry. It simply did not registered that a hand is inserted into the handle. The fob unlock works fine, and the passanger side works fine as well. Now, other than taking it back to the dealership and have them look at it, is there anything I can do in the meantime? This car has been working flawlessly for 3 months, and this is the first glitch I noticed.
If SKS didn't work at all, I would guess the switch under the dash had been hit. But, if you don't need to put the fob in the slot to start the car and SKS is working on the passenger side you might be headed for the dealer as I'm guessing something has gone wrong with the sensor on the driver's door.
Once again, more details would help. From what you've said I would have to say that either there's a problem with the driver's door oscillator, or there was something causing interference with the fob (was this a place you've parked frequently or were you around electronics?). And just to be tested the SKS on the passenger door and hatch and inside the car and they all worked, but testing/retesting on the driver's door and it still did NOT work?? Is that the scenario?
There does seem to need to be some moisture on one's hand for the sensor to register contact. Never looked closely, but I imagine wires running down the length, with your hand making a circuit across at least two when touching it. I've grabbed the handle plenty of times, then had to grab again when it didn't work. Maybe the sensor is shorted out and the car knows not to respond to a short circuit. Shouldn't be more than replacing that strip if so...
Correct. I haven't tested the hatch, but seeing that the passanger side door working, I didn't bother. I didn't have to insert the fob to start the vehicle, so that component is working. As for the area 'round the car, I tested the driver side door in two different parking lot, so the odd of interferance is minimal.
Check the SKS on/off switch under the dash Check that you didn't leave an extra fob in the car I think those were the two "problems" that surfaced on PriusChat.
I think the door handle works on skin capacitance, the same as a trackpad on a laptop computer. It's basically a fine grid of wires (or conductive paths) covered with a plastic or rubber coating. They don't so much make a direct circuit as you'd think of with electricity, but gauge the change in resistance as influenced by your body being close to the handle. Something sort of akin to how the reception of an AM radio can be influenced by how close your body is to the antenna if the reception is poor. I did a quick test with my powerbook, and it can read my finger's position fairly accurately through 10 sheets of paper on top of the sensor - and that's to get an accurate X/Y position. Since the Prius door handle is just sensing an on/off status, it's probably able to be far more sensitive. Dave
Given that it seems clear that this is an issue with some component of the system in the driver side door only. Either a lose connection (the easiest thing!) somewhere, or the touch sensor in the handle is broken, or the SKS oscillator in the door is broken.
I normally carry my keys in the opposite pocket as my cell phone. One day I put them in the same pocket and SKS did not work. Took my keys out of my pocket andVoila....problem solved. That's the only issue I have ever had with SKS.
I doubt it is that complex. My guess is that it works that same way touch lamps work. At home depot, you can buy for about $10, a device that either plugs into the bulb socket, or is a little box that you plug into the wall and then plug the lamp into it. Once installed, you can touch any metal part on the lamp to turn it on and off. I would bet that whatever magic such a device uses is the same magic used by the door handle. In support of this, the back side of the door handle has always felt like a piece of metal to me, rather than something coated with plastic or rubber.
It's a good thing I didn't bet anything. I just checked when I went out for lunch, and indeed, the back side of the door handle is a hard black plastic. So it probably is similar to one of those mouse touch pads.
But the doors will unlock without you even touching the handle or the black strip. Just passing your hand behind the handle will unlock the doors
OK, let's use some logic: The SKS defeat switch as the problem is ruled out: SKS works everywhere except driver door. Interference due to region interference not likely, SKS was tested in two different lots. Since this was addressed, interference with something on person is unlikely, as I am sure this was checked (though I don't think the check was mentioned). Also works with passenger door. Driver door oscillator or touchpad problem seems likely. Watch the fob indicator lamp as you use SKS. It will light when it responds to SKS requests. Does the black button work on driver side? If not, then oscillator or wiring problem most likely, as those would be common component for driver door lock and unlock, though not common for lock/unlock on passenger door. If black button does work, then the touchpad/wiring would be the only thing left uncommon with driver door SKS lock function.
OK. I'm not quite off of Christmas vacation schedule. I went out to start my '07 and the SKS didn't work - I had to actually push the unlock button on the key fob to get into my car, and had to shove it into the slot to start it. I was pondering all the way to work how I was going to troubleshoot it. Looked it up on PC, went out to check the button. One push and all is well. I so feel like an uberdoofus this morning!