Hi Everyone, I am the new mother of a 2008 Charcoal grey Prius. The last 6 days my husband has had this puzzled look on his face as I try to discuss tire pressure, the chemistry of fuel, and just general hybrid chit chat. My favorite book now is my owners manual. Good Reading! Soon I will have to feed her as she is half empty. My regular gas station says there is no ethanol in their gas and it's a 93% octane.No other info in on the pump. Will this be ok?
93 should be ok, but unnecessary. Per multiple other discussions in the forum, you actually get more benefit with 87 octane.
Always use the lowest octane available. Higher ones will result in less mileage, and no difference in pollution produced. Avoid ethanol blends when you can, as it will give you nothing, and costs more. Higher octane does not mean more energy per volume - it's simply more refined and is quicker to explode, so cars that require precise timing - like the SmartForTwo, certain luxury cars, or small airplanes, need it to function better. (you don't want misfires in a plane/helicopter - it will stutter)
E10 (10% ethanol) burns cleaner than pure gasoline and it cleans the engine. Prius and all modern cars are designed not to be harmed by the small amount of water it attracts; see the owner's manual. It would waste money if you drove out of your way to avoid buying E10. Get 87 octane. 93 is a waste of money in a Prius. If the engine pings or knocks it means the engine needs a repair.
Just buy 87 gasoline. Stay away from ethanol as it will lower your mileage and water is attracted to alcohol which in turn can led to corrosion problems. You'll get better mileage with straight 87 octane. You don't read yourself to sleep with your owners manual, do you?
Hi Donna and welcome to Priuschat! :welcome: I have nothing really to add to what the others have already said. I just wanted to wave a hello. :wave:
Thanks for the info.....I will play the girl card and love for things to be explained in the simplest way possible when it comes to car stuff. I will go with the no ethanol and 87 octane.As I got my car used at a dealership when the oil was last changed was questionable. I was planning on taking it in for a checkup but my maintenance light came on and stayed on this morning. Hope it's nothing but in need of an oil change.Well gota go . Im on page 346 in the owners manual and it's a page turner. See Ya!
I laugh that you're so intently reading the manual. I read it twice in the first week. If you had said that it's been coming on and going off, that's the "need oil soon" indication. If the MAINT light came on and stayed on without the warning, that's interesting.
Hello Mark: I think that you may have this backwards: higher octane gas burns more slowly, preventing preignition. That would mean that it is "slower to explode". At least that's my understanding. I'm certain that someone more knowledgeable here will chime in with the correct answer. Best wishes,