Does anyone know if changing your own oil could somehow void warranty? Are there requirements for changing your own oil, like must use specific brand, must provide oil receipts, etc?
The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act says, among other things, that you are allowed to do your own maintenance and the manufacturer can't tell you that you must use their oil or their filter etc. unless they provide it free of charge. But you do need to keep records and make sure you do everything that is required. Be sure to write the VIN number on the receipts for the oil and filters. I plan on using Toyota oil filters, available on line for $45 for a case of 10 and that includes shipping. I will use Mobil 1 0W-20 oil, $6.27 per quart at Wal-Mart. John1701a is working on a draft procedure for DIY oil changes:
As Tumbleweed noted, keep your parts receipts. As long as the parts you buy meet the minimum specs for the car, you are fine. And YOU won't overfill the oil either
I have not climbed under the vehicle to look yet but does anyone know if the oil filter on a 2010 requires a special wrench to remove it? I heard they went german and now use a cartridge. I usually change my oil myself and at 3000 miles, and now I have heard this rumor it requires a special tool. Is there an after market screw on filter that can be used? Is the filter accessable? Thanks.
One of our 2010 drivers, John, has this covered I doubt there will be an adapter to convert to a spin-on filter
PLEASE don't change the oil every 3K miles. The factory spec is 5K miles and that is earlier than necessary. Remember that unlike most cars, not only is the engine not running when the car is not moving, it is frequently not running when the car IS moving. After my 2004 hit 60K miles (50K were on on Mobil 1), I went to 7,500 miles and had an analysis done, they said no problem. The last analysis had 11K on the oil, they said I could go 13K. Changing it well before the mfg requirement while in warranty is a waste of oil and filters not to mention time and money.
To bad they did not have the oil change on top of the motor like a BMW, then you could use a oil extractor to get the oil out and you would not even have to under the car
You can use something like a Mityvac extractor through the dipstick tube. I tried my Mityvac once on my Prius, perhaps a tablespoon drained out when I took the plug off The oil change on the <2010 Prius is easy enough, I wouldn't worry about an extractor. The 2010's, well, there is a bit more work but whatever you save using an extractor, you still have to pull off the bottom panel to get the oil filter element out
You make a very good point about the 5000 miles on the oil change. Part of the 5000 miles is on the electric motor. If it were analyzed, I bet we would find the engine only ran for 4500 miles of the 5000 miles, as a guess. I have 3500 miles on mine now and my gas mileage as dropped slightly. I am averaging right at 50 mpg. calculated. My computer is consistently 10% off every fill up. I wish there were a way to calibrate that. Thank you for your input.
not to mention that if used daily the waterjacket is warmed so the engine is never really "cold" in the typical engine sense and the low emission timing and valving, no combustion except at operating speed as compared to standard low rpm starter motor, etc. means fewer pollutants to blow by rings into the oil.