My pri was here last week only..Ithere was a death in my family, so I souldn't take delivery till this week. Now they tell me they are waiting for a part, the salesman didn't know what, I sauid it has to be the rear spoiler which is not shipped on the car.. I said to my Wife last night I hope they didn't sell our car to some one with cash in hand, she said to me "they wouldn't do that"... I said.. OH YEAH!, how many car dealers did you ever deal with in your life (I knew before hand the answer is 0) bewildered at this point :|
Galaxee, Oregon is about 7 miles south of the beltline outside Madison. We ordered through Smart Motors. Now that it's getting close, the wait is absolutely killing me.
I thought it was near Madison. I'm surprised Madison has a hard time getting enough hybrids... but then again one of the more important cities in Wisconsin isn't super important as far as Prius allocation goes... Hope it comes soon! I remember that feeling all too well.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Beacher\";p=\"92700)</div> That's 'because Madison has so many liberal profs living there (I'm a retired Prof from Marquette U in Milwaukee, so I'm PC to make that little comment <g>) Hang in there, Greg, we're pulling for you!
That's true. Madison is very liberal and very green. When we got on the waiting list a year ago we were number 140 or so. Other than the coasts, towns like Madison and Austin are probably the biggest markets for the Prius.
My professor at UWL got his Prius after just a few months. He may have gone through a place in Rochester MN though. I was number 125 back in November but I went to one of the top 3 Toyota dealers in the nation- their shipments were always huge.
Heard the same thing from my dealer (Mankato, MN), was originally to be here no later than 5/31. Now week of 5/31 - 6/6
It is considered to be an "adjustment" which is paid by Toyota according to my service adviser at Keyes Toyota, where I get my car serviced.
My wife drives past the dealer twice everday on the way to and from work. I've pretty much got her trained now to be looking for the shipment, although she does forget sometimes. You can be sure we will be on the phone to dealer immediately saying something like, "We know it's here, don't try to lie to us!!!" Or sell it to someone else. On another thread there is someone who wasn't on the waiting list who just walked up and got a Prius last weekend at the same dealer we ordered ours from. One of those "The people who ordered it didn't want it after all" situations. We wouldn't have wanted that one because it's not the right color, but it pisses me off that the dealer apparently doesn't make any effor to work down the list. I suppose they know somebody who is waiting for a year will wait a bit longer.
seems the midwest is a low-priority Prius area i guess that gives me one, if only one, reason to be happy we moved down south...
Good News! My wife spotted them unloading the shipment when she was on the way home from work. Now it's just a matter of how soon they can get it ready! YeeHaw!!! :mrgreen:
I told my buddy that the shipment arrived and he walked right in and got it! Seems "someone dropped off the list" or something.
Oh, I don't blame the people who get lucky. I would have done the same thing. I just wish the _dealers_ would behave differently sometimes. But that's an old tune.
It's funny you should say that. When I was looking for my Pri, the dealer I went with didn't want a deposit. Frankly, I sort of wanted him to ask me for a deposit... not so he would know I was serious, but that I would know that he was serious. I figured that if he took my money he was obligated to sell the car to me (and not let other's test drive it or buy it) since I have placed a down payment on it. Sort of like a confirmation code at a hotel.
I know what you mean. I made a rental car reservation a couple of weeks ago over the internet. When I made the reservation they didn't ask for my credit card. I thought I had missed a step at first. I wasn't entirely confident that the rental would be waiting for me when I got to Florida.
:multi: ITS HERE!!!!!!!!! :multi: Picket it up yesterday. Perfect condition, and on the trip of about 35 mi home from the dealer, I averaged 46.3mpg. Even had my first SKS moment, someone freaked out when I walked up to the car and the dome light comes on before I touched anything. I told them the car does a long range retna scan as you approach, then does a finger print scan when you touch the door handle. :naughty:
I take back everything bad I've been saying about dealers in this thread. That called at about 8 last night and said it was ready... same day it arrived. We have an appointment this evening at 6 p.m. CDT. Just 3 more hours!!!