8) chasabel, It is sad when anyone looses their lifes in such a manner. I do wonder what year was the Prius though? Ben
did they make the classics in silver? i see them all the time.. and can't remember if i've seen a classic in silver.
8) V8Cobrakid, There is another thread and it show either an 04 or 05 Prius. As to the deaths, I was talking about the people in the red Ford.
Good to know our car is safe against SUVs. Sorry to have sounded like i was trying to prove you wrong. i was just trying to state. i noticed the odd phrasing i chose after i posted it. I hate to hear about children dying. I don't like hearing about adults passing on either.. but it's not the same as a child.
it was an '04 Prius. also, on the news last night, the injuries suffered by the people in the Prius were actually minor and non-life threatening. the car rolled an estimated 3 times. the people in the Tarus hit the trailer 2nd and the roof of the Tarus was sheared off on impact. it also rolled garanteeing certain death for the 3 occupants. so we have two cars both hitting the same thing in similiar fashion. the Prius was first so it was probably going slightly faster. both cars had 3 passengers. The people in the Tarus died because of of breakdown of the structural integrity of the car and lack of roof strength. The Prius suffered no roof structure failure and did an excellent job of protecting the passengers
The subject Silver Prii has fog lights, so it was either a BC or AM model. Unfortunately this is proof positive that VSC will not allow you to avoid all accidents or prevent all rollovers. Guaranteed that their replacement car will come equipped with side airbags.
the truck trailer (30' trailer) combo covered the entire freeway (only two lanes) and the shoulder on both sides. there is no where to go. the intial impact was on the drivers side as the driver attempted to turn towards the right shoulder since the truck came in from the left. but at an impact speed of probably 120+ mph, there is nothing anyone or thing can do.
the people killed in the accident were the Knapps. they were an exceptional couple. the child that died with them was a foster child they were taking care of. all told, they had raised 30 special needs foster children. what a sad event
Though my feeling and hope is that the prius is a very safe car, the fact that there were fatalities in the ford and no deaths in the prius do not prove anything. The specifics of the collision, the angle of impact, etc, were likely very different between the cars, and certainly not controlled for. The only way to establish the safety of the prius is through either well controlled crash tests, or aggregating and analyzing survival and injury data on hundreds of crashes "in the wild".