Monday morning guffaw. Hey, we were all twenty-something at one point....coming from a forty-something. I'm getting some $$$ this week! (I work per contract(s) as an independent, meaning, dependent on having a happy customer paying me) Meaning some money will be sent to TJ this week. Edit: can an edit bump too ??? Edit2: nope
Well, again, thanks. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. If Karma is something, then folks will be getting tons of Good Karma their way. It sort of makes me feel as if all the time in the past, when I gave away things like cars, a VW Bus, guitars, DJ gear, things like that, that in some way that is coming back to me. SO, thanks for renewing the faith I have in the human spirit.
That is a great idea to keep this thread on the first page. Maybe we can trade off? You bump it next and I will bump it after.
Time for a bump. And for those who are new to PayPal, check out post numbers 27 and also 30 (link to download the pdf document) and 33 which points post number 2 in this thread. Thank you to Proco and markderail for their assistance.
Yes, I again say thanks. I don't feel right bumping this thread, myself that is; if others do, that is great... But I do want to add my thanks when I can, without it seeming like a bump from me. Does that make sense?
Bump, I will be able to send something after my home closes, not sure of closing fees but you are in my prayers
I think only a new post can bump. But thanks for your attempt. Thank you for your bump. Thank you for your bump. Thank you for your bump. I wasn't aware there was a bump Smilie. Learned something new today. Thank you for the ReBump. I am not sure if I said this before, but thank you to all who have helped TJ.
Um, I didn't know if it's bad taste or not to publicly thank those individuals who helped. But some folks have, and that was nice.
TJ: I just saw this thread today for the first time. I'm really sorry to hear about what's going on with your medical condition. I'm putting a check in the mail to you today, so if you get an envelope from a Michael Blaise in California, don't toss it out ok? lol I'm sincerely wishing you the best and sending good thoughts your way as well.